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词汇 hard work
例句 Her associates respected her for her hard work.她的同事们敬重她努力工作的精神。Being a stewardess is not a cushy lifestyle - it's very hard work.当空姐日子可不好过—那工作很辛苦。The father was always dinning into the ears of the son the importance of hard work.做父亲的没完没了告诫儿子要努力工作才是。Lifting stones this size is pretty hard work.把这么大的石头抬起来是件很吃力的活儿。Looking after young children is very hard work.照看小孩是个苦差事。It was a great evening, and definitely worth all the hard work.那个夜晚太美妙了,所有的辛苦的确没有白费。He succeeded through hard work and a little luck.他的成功是靠勤奋工作和一点运气。It's great to see that all of our hard work has finally paid off.很高兴看到我们付出的所有努力终于得到回报。Her hands were coarsened by years of hard work.多年的辛苦劳作使她的双手变粗糙了。I stepped out of academia into the world of hard work for low pay.我离开了学术界,开始从事收入低而又辛苦的工作。The course was really hard work but it was fun.这课程很难,但是很有乐趣。My parents built this business with years of hard work.我父母经过多年的辛勤工作创立了这番事业。Her privileged upbringing had not equipped her for hard work in the fields.优越的成长环境使她不能适应田里的苦活。To be successful takes hard work and dedication.成功需要付出艰苦的努力,需要有全身心投入的精神。He did all that hard work for nothing.他白白地干了那份苦差使。I've never shied away from hard work.我从未畏避过艰苦的工作。We were all tuckered out by the hard work.繁重的工作使我们筋疲力尽。She's not afraid of hard work. = She's not afraid of working hard. 她工作肯吃苦。The only thing to do was knuckle down and get on with some serious hard work.唯一能做的就是开始努力工作,好好干出点儿成绩来。He takes all the credit, but most of the hard work is done by his underlings.他把功劳全都据为己有,但大部分苦活儿都是他手下的人干的。It often takes five or six years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.编一部好的词典常常需要苦干五六年。The show marked the culmination of months of hard work.这场演出标志着几个月艰辛工作的最终成果。A little hard work won't kill you.稍稍辛苦一下对你算不了什么嘛。 People who have a capacity for hard work normally succeed.习惯努力工作的人往往获得成功。Bringing up a baby is undeniably hard work.毫无疑问,抚养孩子是件很辛苦的事。Maya succeeded through sheer hard work.马亚完全是靠勤奋工作取得成功的。It's down to pure hard work.这全凭辛勤的工作。After the accident, Bill learned to walk again through sheer hard work and determination.那次事故后,比尔凭着艰苦的锻炼和顽强的决心重新学会了走路。He believed that hard work would assure his success. 他相信天道酬勤。Don't think your hard work has gone unnoticed.不要认为你的辛勤劳动已湮没无闻了。Her hard work paid dividends when she won the school dancing competition.她在校舞蹈比赛中胜出,她的努力得到了回报。It's very hard work, it's very draining.这是一份非常辛苦的工作,很累人。She is used to hard work.她习惯于艰苦工作。I think the only common denominator of success is hard work.我认为取得成功唯一的共同要素是勤奋。Nursing is hard work, but it can be very fulfilling.护理工作很辛苦,但也会很有成就感。It has been hard work to establish order here.花了很大力气才使这里的秩序稳定下来。A lot of hard work by ordinary citizens eventually brought the changes about.许多普通公民的艰苦努力最终引起了变化。After all that hard work, you deserve a rest.干了那么多活,你应该休息一下了。My brother is allergic to hard work. 我弟弟厌恶艰苦的工作。He was now reaping the fruits of all his hard work.他正在收获所有辛勤劳动的果实。




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