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词汇 hardware
例句 The big hardware chain was eating the local store's lunch. 大型五金连锁店抢了当地小店的生意。The hardware store offers several different glues.那个五金商店出售多种不同的胶水。Most computer hardware rapidly becomes obsolete.大部分的计算机硬件很快就会被淘汰。The components are readily available in hardware shops.这些零件很容易在五金商店买到。The laptop drawing tablet is a very useful piece of hardware.便携式绘图板是一种很有用的硬件。Over breakfast at my motel, I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop.我在汽车旅店吃早饭时,和一位五金店的老板聊了起来。The company has spent millions of dollars replacing outdated computer hardware.该公司花费数百万美元更换过时的电脑硬件。It really showed what you could do if you had the know-how and the hardware.这让你知道你若懂得窍门又有硬体多有可为! We don't have the hardware we need to hook into the network.我们没有连接网络所需的硬件。Much of our existing military hardware is obsolescent.我们现有的许多军事硬件在逐渐被淘汰。Computer technology in all its phases from hardware to software has become less expensive.电脑技术从硬体到软体的各个方面都变得较为便宜了。This application runs on a wide variety of hardware platforms.这套应用软件可以在多种硬件平台上运行。Military hardware alone is not sufficient to ensure victory.仅靠军事装备不足以确保胜利。She bought some new hardware for her system.她为自己的计算机系统购买了一些新硬件。Software packages may need complete rewrites to match new hardware.软件包可能需要全部重写以便与新的硬件相配。They chose to concentrate on simpler and more durable hardware.他们选择加强更简单牢固的武器。Soviet military hardware enabled Iraq to wage war against Iran.苏联的武器装备使伊拉克有能力对伊朗发动战争。The software is sold separately from the hardware.软件和硬件分开销售。We supply computer hardware to businesses.我们向公司提供计算机硬件。The machine allows multitasking without the need to buy extra hardware.这台机器不需要添加额外的硬件即可进行多任务处理。Locks, hinges, nails, knives, and tools are hardware.锁、铰链、钉子、刀以及工具都是五金制品。He was forced to sell up his entire stock of hardware.他被迫卖掉他的全部库存五金。Then parade hardware rumbled past.然后,接受检阅的军车隆隆驶过。It may be beyond the capability of the hardware to process the input.处理这些输入内容可能超出了该硬件的功能范围。The system dynamically assigns drivers to new hardware upon insertion.该系统在插入新硬件时动态指派驱动程序。We've been having some technical problems with the new hardware.这个新硬件我们遇到了一些技术问题。Father deals in hardware.我父亲做五金生意。




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