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词汇 hard up
例句 I am desperately hard up.我手头极其拮据。We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking about holidays.我们最近手头有些紧,所以不考虑度假的事。The media are obviously hard up for stories.显然媒体缺乏新闻素材。She was so hard up that she couldn't afford to heat her apartment.她手头很拮据,连公寓取暖费都付不起。Some of the schools are pretty hard up for teachers.有些学校相当缺老师。Her husband is continually complaining of being hard up for money.她丈夫老是抱怨经济拮据。She always seems to be hard up for cash.她似乎总是缺钱。If you're so hard up for friends, why don't you join a club?如果你那么缺朋友,为什么不加入一家俱乐部呢?Her parents were very hard up.她的父母手头很拮据。He was really hard up and couldn't afford to eat out.他确实手头拮据,没有钱在外面吃饭。We're pretty hard up these days.这些日子我们相当缺钱。I'm a bit hard up this week.这星期我手头有点拮据。I'm a bit hard up at the moment.我目前手头有点紧。




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