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词汇 hardest
例句 The people this legislation will hit hardest are the poor.受这一法规打击最沉重的是穷人。The hardest part of this job is understanding the new technology.这项工作最难的部分是理解新技术。The people in the gods can be the hardest to please.剧院顶层楼座的观众往往最难伺候。Getting out there is in many ways the hardest nut to crack.从很多方面来说,出去交际是最难以做到的事了。The hardest part of the punishment was the denial of his right to see his children.这项惩罚最苛刻的部分是剥夺了他看望自己孩子的权利。Aid will be given to areas hardest hit by the flooding.受水灾最严重的地区将会得到援助。Organizing the party was easy, the hardest part was getting my parents to agree to it.组织聚会容易,最难的一步是取得我父母同意。The hardest part of the mission passed, and the rest is just a piece of cake.任务中最难的部分已经结束了,剩下的是小菜一碟啦。The Premier toured the hardest hit area of the South.总理巡视了南方受灾最重的地区。I tried my best/hardest , but I just couldn't do it.我尽了最大的努力,但实在做不了。One of the hardest things when studying linguistics is learning all the right terminology.掌握各种正确术语是学习语言学最困难的事之一。This was the hardest case she had handled since becoming a lawyer.这是她做律师以来碰到的最棘手的案子。The hardest part was syncing the music to the video.最难的部分就是使音乐和录像同步。Special schools were hardest hit.特殊教育学校是受打击最为严重的。He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement.他避开了最棘手的问题,将精力集中于有可能达成一致的领域。I think goalie is the hardest position to play in hockey.我认为守门员是冰球运动中最难打的位置。Sometimes you try your hardest and still don't succeed. That's life.有时你尽最大的努力然而还是不成功。这就是生活。He described their omission from the team as the hardest decision he has taken.他说把他们排除在球队之外是他所做出的最艰难的决定。Diamond is probably the hardest substance known to man.钻石可能是人类已知的最坚硬的物质。The so-called easy method seemed the hardest of all.这个所谓的简单方法似乎是所有方法中最难的。This exercise is the hardest of its type.这一练习是同类中最难的。Everyone in the room knew it was the single hardest task before them.房间里所有人都清楚,摆在他们面前的是最为艰巨的任务。I think it's right that the people who work hardest should earn the most.我认为工作最努力的人报酬最高是合理的。The documentary tries its hardest to be truthful to actual events. 这部纪录片力求如实地展现事件的真相。He had left the hardest problems till last.他把最难的问题留到了最后。Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.沉默是最难反驳的论点之一。The price rises will hit pensioners the hardest.价格上涨对领取退休金的人影响将最为严重。The hardest part of the work is over and the rest is downhill.这件事的最难部分做完了,剩下来的事很容易。He drove himself hardest of all.他是干活最拼命的。It's been the hardest year yet for our business. 对我们公司来说,这是迄今为止最艰难的一年。Elderly people were the hardest hit by the increase in tax on fuel.燃油税上涨,老年人受影响最严重。We tried our hardest, but it was no use.我们尽了最大努力,但无济于事。




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