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词汇 harder
例句 He was chastened by the defeat and determined to work harder.失败磨炼了他,他决心更加努力地工作。Lucy should push herself a little harder.露西应该让自己更努力些。Overcrowding makes prison life even harder to bear.过度拥挤使监狱生活越发不堪忍受。He works a lot harder than most of the students in his year.他比同年级大多数学生都用功得多。He's always getting on at us to work harder.他总是唠叨说让我们更加努力。She's potentially our best player, but she needs to practice much harder.她有可能成为我们最好的球员,但她需要更加努力练习。The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.踩踏刹车板的力度越大,汽车减速就越快。You'll have to push harder if you want it to move.要想移动它,你得用更大的力气推。The next grade is harder to achieve.下一阶段将更难实现。As the rain began to fall harder, I darted into the first shop I could find.雨越下越大,我冲进最近的一家商店内。The child has no incentive to study harder because his parents cannot afford to send him to college.这孩子没有努力学习的动力,因为他父母供不起他上大学。Employees are motivated to work harder for a whole host of different reasons.激励员工更加努力工作的原因多种多样。Her knuckles whiten as she clenches her hands harder.她的手握得越来越紧,指节都变白了。It didn't move, so she pushed harder.它动也不动,因此她推得更使劲了。Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to go along with it.凯特已经同意了,但是要说服迈克也同意就难多了。As it is stressed, the metal becomes harder and more brittle.这种金属在压力下会变得更硬、更易碎。The director ended her speech on a cautionary note, when she said that next year would be even harder than this year.董事最后以警告的语气结束她的讲话,说明年将比今年更加艰难。To give birth to triplets is perhaps harder than to win a lotto.要生三胞胎恐怕比中乐透还难。The harder he tried to fasten his mind on his book,the more his ideas wandered.他越是想全神贯注地看书,思想越是集中不起来。My grandmother is finding it harder to get around these days.近来我奶奶感觉走动不那么灵便了。My grandmother said winters used to be harder here.我祖母说以前这里的冬天更难熬。It became harder for women married to diplomats to pursue their own interests.与外交官结婚的女性要追求自己的爱好就变得更加困难了。This year's exam was much harder than last year's.今年的考试比去年的难得多。He will work much harder when he gets in a tight.遇到困难,他会工作得更加努力。If you don't start working harder, you can kiss that promotion goodbye. 如果你不开始更加努力地工作,你就没有晋升的希望。Age diminishes the heart's ability to pump harder and faster under exertion.随着年龄的增加,人在消耗体力时心脏的输血能力和输血速度会有所减弱。He was getting harder and more cynical about life.他变得更加冷酷和愤世嫉俗。Admittedly, I could have tried harder but I still don't think all this criticism is fair.不可否认,我本来可以再努力些。尽管如此,我认为这些批评也并非完全公正。Alcohol slows a driver's reactions, making it harder to avoid an accident.酒精会减弱司机的反应能力,使他更难避免事故的发生。Why punish yourself by working harder than you need to?你没必要那么卖力工作,何必自讨苦吃呢?You'd better start working harder, or you'll be out on your ear.你最好开始加把劲,否则将被开除。Come on you mutts, play harder!加把劲,你们这些笨蛋!Good hunting grounds are becoming harder to find.好的猎场变得越来越难找了。Drumming up support for a children's play group proved harder than she had expected.争取支持成立儿童戏剧组没有她想象的容易。If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exams.要是你再努力一点,就会通过考试了。You need to kick your legs harder if you want to swim faster.要想游得更快,蹬腿就得更用力。The longer you let it ride, the harder it will be to fix later.这事儿你拖得越久,以后就越难办。There are still a few feel-good shows on TV, but most series have a harder edge.电视上仍有一些让人感觉不错的节目,但大多数连续剧都比较严酷。You must try harder to get your homework done on time.你必须更加努力,按时完成家庭作业。It's very easy to be an armchair critic but much harder to come up with solutions that will work.坐着空谈是很容易的,但要拿出可行的解决办法来就难得多了。




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