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词汇 Hard
例句 Hard work was back of his success.他靠刻苦努力获得成功。Hard conditions of life yielded to more propitious circumstances.艰苦的生活条件已让位于比较宜人的境况。Hard work is essential to success.成功必须努力工作。Hard rock embeds the roots.坚硬的岩石把根部卡得紧紧的。He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.他匆匆前往硬石餐厅吃午餐。Hard work always pays in the long run.辛苦的工作最终总是值得的。Hard work is a necessary condition for/of success.努力工作是成功的必要条件。Hard luck, chaps, but don't despair too much.真不走运,伙计们,不过别太灰心。Hard-to-get train tickets can be bought at a premium.紧俏的火车票能以高价买到。Hard work usually brings its own rewards.努力工作通常都会有所回报。Hard work is the key to success.勤奋是成功的关键。Hard work had coarsened his hands.艰苦的劳动使他的手变得粗糙。Hard figures are impossible to nail down.确切的数字无法弄清。Hard work is important, but it is no substitute for raw talent.勤奋很重要,但替代不了天赋。Hard work is a condition of success.勤奋是成功的前提。Hard water causes fur on kettles.硬水会使水壶生垢。Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away students.当下时局艰难,一些社区学院被迫停止招生。Hard, crispy hair is downright unattractive.又硬又卷的头发一点都不好看。Hard work is the gateway to success.勤奋乃成功之母。Hard work has been a major component of his success.勤奋工作是他成功的主要原因。Hard work is a vital ingredient for success.勤奋努力是获得成功至关重要的因素。Hard work and talent so often go unrecognised and unrewarded.努力和天赋经常不被认可,也得不到回报。Hard hats must be worn on the construction site.在建筑工地必须戴安全帽。Hard-core joggers will pound the streets in all kinds of weather.慢跑铁杆爱好者无论刮风下雨都要出门跑步。Hard evidence for this has still not been fully documented.有关此事的确凿证据尚未充分记录在案。He co-starred with Bruce Willis in the movie Die Hard.他和布鲁斯·威利斯联袂主演影片《虎胆龙威》。Hard luck, squire.运气真差,先生。Hard water furred the kettle.硬水使水壶生了垢。Hard work is the path to success.努力工作是成功之道。Jonah was sane enough. Hard as nails, very much all there.乔纳头脑相当清醒,不讲情面,又非常机敏。Hard hats must be worn on site.在工地上必须戴安全帽。You failed your examination? Hard luck!你考试不及格? 真倒霉!Hard work is the ultimate source of success.努力工作是成功之本。The words "Hard disk failure - program aborted" popped up on the screen.“硬盘故障——程序终止”这几个字突然出现在屏幕上。Hard work exacts effort and patience.艰苦的工作需要努力和耐心。Hard-to-get theater tickets can be bought at a premium.紧俏的戏票能以高价买到。Hard woods generally don't burn well.硬木一般都不易燃烧。Hard hats provide protection for the workers' heads.安全帽保护工人的头部。Hard cleaning made no impression on the stain.使劲擦洗也除不掉这个污渍。Hard work ennobles the human spirit.艰苦工作使人精神升华。




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