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词汇 harbour
例句 The fishing fleet is in harbour.渔船队停泊在港湾里。At night the harbour lights up.到了晚上,海港灯火通明。She is the head of personnel for the harbour authority.她是港务局的人事处长。Green and yellow lights blinked on the surface of the harbour.海港的水面上闪烁着绿色和黄色的灯光。All was dark and silent down by the harbour wall.港口堤岸一片漆黑,万籁俱寂。A minimal amount of raw sewage goes into the harbour.极少量未经处理的污水流入港口。The old harbour is now all silted up.这个老港口现已完全淤塞了。The gigantic natural harbour of Poole is a haven for boats.巨型天然港普尔港是船只的避风港。All the illegal immigrants were confined to a small island in the harbour.所有的非法移民都被关在港口的一个小岛上。Great ships lay at anchor in the harbour.港口停泊着巨大的轮船。The tide was lapping the harbour wall.潮水拍打着港口的防汛墙。The beam lighted the ship into the harbour.光束指引船只进港。A ship was nosing its way through the small fishing boats in the harbour.轮船小心翼翼地在港湾里的小渔船中穿行。Sinks and draining boards can harbour germs.洗涤槽和沥水板可能藏有病菌。The damaged vessel was towed into harbour.受损船只被拖进了港口。The harbour bustled with activity.海港热闹繁忙。The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour.污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港。The old harbour silted up years ago.这个老港湾在许多年前就淤塞了。An artificial harbour is to be emplaced off the beaches.将在海滩外设置一个人工泊船港。The ship was permitted to tie up in Boston harbour.该船获准在波士顿港口停泊。The ship was just outside of the harbour when the hurricane hit.飓风袭来时船恰恰在港湾外。Two of the ships were blown up while they were still in the harbour.其中两艘船还在海港里的时候就被炸毁了。The ship left the harbour and sailed seaward.船离开港湾驶向大海。The harbour is home to a conglomerate of luxury yachts.这个港口是各式豪华游艇的基地。Our hotel room overlooked the harbour.从我们酒店的房间可眺望港口。Hotels nestle around the harbour.一些旅馆隐隐约约地坐落在海港的周围。The old harbour is still full of atmosphere and well worth visiting.这座古老的港口依然充满了情趣,非常值得一游。They entered the harbour with flags flying.他们高扬着旗帜驶入了港口。Our boat fouled on leaving harbour.离港时我们的船发生了碰撞事故。I helmed out of the harbour.我把船驶离了港口。The inner harbour is a snug anchorage.内港是一个安全泊地。The child fled to the harbour of her father's arms.那孩子逃到父亲的怀里躲着。The harbour is being choked up with silt.港口正遭泥沙的淤塞。The drawback is that all this applies when the boat is in harbour or on an even keel.缺点是当船在港湾里或平稳行进时这个问题就会出现。It was a pretty town with a picturesque harbour and well-preserved buildings.那是个漂亮的小镇,有风景如画的港口和保存完好的建筑。By law a harbour pilot must be on board to navigate the ship into port.根据法律,港口领航员必须上船将船只领进港口。Part of the harbour is a yacht basin.港湾的一部分是个停泊游艇的内港。The town has a small natural harbour.这个镇子有一处天然小港。Soon after leaving harbour, the ships turned and headed north.船一离开港口就改变了方向朝北驶去。We took up a good berth near the harbour.我们在港口附近找了个理想位置下锚。




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