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词汇 hammering
例句 They've been hammering away all day.他们整天都在不停地用锤子敲打东西。The noise of hammering was dulled by the secondary glazing.因为隔着双层玻璃,锤子的敲打声变低沉了。The governor took a hammering from the media for his decision.州长因其决定遭到媒体严厉抨击。Small businesses took a hammering in the last recession.在上次的经济衰退中,小企业遭遇了困境。Parents have taken a terrible hammering.家长们遭到了严厉的批评。I'm afraid I dented the wall pretty badly when I was hammering in that nail.很遗憾,我在钉那颗钉子的时候把墙砸出个大坑。I seem to spend my life hammering away at the importance of homework.我似乎一生都在反复强调做好准备工作的重要性。We could hear a loud hammering from next door.我们能听见隔壁传来的重重敲击声。Keep on hammering away at achieving your goals.为达到目标要坚持不懈。The little child was hammering away at his mother to let him play outdoors.小孩再三恳求母亲让他到外面玩耍。The workers are hammering the studs to the frame.工人们把双端螺栓钉钉到构架上。The builders’ knocking and hammering made it difficult for me to concentrate on my work.建筑工人敲敲打打的声音令我难以集中注意力去工作。He tried hammering in the nails with a rock, and broke his thumb.他试图用石头把钉子敲进去,结果弄破了大拇指。Foreign companies are taking a hammering from the strong dollar.外国公司正遭受到坚挺的美元的冲击。We could hear the hammering of the rain on the roof.我们能听见雨水拍打屋顶的声音。The hammering of the wind seemed less.风的呼啸声好像减弱了一些。The typist's fingers were hammering the keys.打字员用手指不停地敲击键盘。There was a loud hammering on the door.传来一声很响的敲门声。Lewis heard the sound of a pneumatic drill hammering away.刘易斯听到风钻钻个不停。She stood outside the door, her heart hammering.她站在门外,心怦怦直跳。The workman flattened a piece of metal by hammering it.工匠将一块金属锤平。The rain was hammering against the window.雨点不停地敲打着窗户。They took a real hammering at the hands of their opponents.他们被对手打得一败涂地。Builders were still hammering outside the window.建筑工人仍在窗外敲敲打打。The tranquillity here was broken by no sound but the occasional hammering of a wood-pecker.除了偶尔几声啄木鸟的啄木声外,没有任何别的声音打破这里的宁静。Palmer kept hammering away at his report.帕尔默一直在埋头写报告。He kept hammering at the need for tax relief throughout his speech.他在演讲中一直强调减税的必要性。She spent all weekend hammering away at her novel.她把整个周末的时间都用来写小说了。Our team got/took quite a hammering in yesterday's game.我们队在昨天的比赛中惨败。Her sleep was disturbed by a violent hammering on the door.她的美梦被猛烈的敲门声打断了。Loud hammering was coming from next door.重重的敲打声从隔壁传来。Someone was hammering in the cellar.有人在地下室里拿锤子敲打。He was hammering the door with his fists.他在用拳头捶门。My heart was hammering unpleasantly.我的心怦怦乱跳,跳得我心里发慌。My heart was hammering. 我的心怦怦直跳。I keep hammering away at this point because it's important.我一直反复强调这一点,因为它很重要。The city took a real hammering during the war.该城市在战争期间受到猛烈攻击。Some of the patients were shouting and hammering on the walls.一些病人在喊叫着,并使劲地敲打着墙壁。As he said it, there was a hammering outside.他说这话时,外面传来一阵敲打声。My heart was hammering. The footsteps had stopped outside my door.我的心怦怦直跳。脚步声已停在我的门外。




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