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词汇 hammer
例句 Damn! I hit my thumb with the hammer.该死,锤到大拇指了! Before the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, any bidder may retract his bid.在拍卖人未击槌前,任何竞买者均可撤回其出价。He cursed under his breath as the hammer slipped.锤子滑偏,他轻轻地骂了一声。We'll have to sit down together and hammer out an agreement.我们必须坐下来,共同商讨出一项协议。With a small hammer you can hit the nail with any part of the head and drive it home.用一把小锤子敲打钉子顶端的任意部位,你就可以把钉子敲进去。I think we can hammer out a solution.我想我们可以通过协商得出一个解决方案。A very nice set of glasses came under the hammer yesterday.昨天拍卖了一套很精致的玻璃杯。The decision was a hammer blow for the coal industry.这一决定对煤炭工业是个沉重的打击。He scarred the door with a hammer.他用锤子将门敲得疤痕累累。They are constantly trying to hammer good manners into their children.他们一直反复教导子女要有礼貌。Someone tried to hammer him over the head with a club.有人企图用棍棒击打他的头部。The function of a hammer is to hit nails into wood.锤子的用途是把钉敲进木头。A hammer is a means of driving a nail.锤子是敲钉子的工具。She used a hammer to beat the nail into the wall.她用锤子把钉子钉在了墙上。When you've packed the box, hammer the lid on.箱子装好后,就把盖子钉上。To avoid damaging the tree, hammer a wooden peg into the hole.为了不毁坏树,用锤子将一个木栓钉进洞里。The head's come off the hammer.锤子的头脱落了。They could not hammer any new idea into their grandfather's head.他们无法向祖父灌输任何新思想。Can he wield a hammer?他能握住一把锤子吗?He has gone at his job in a hammer-and-tongs way that has annoyed many businessmen.他劲头十足地从事他的工作,使许多商人为之侧目。She sat at a low table, chipping away with a small hammer.她坐在矮桌前,用一把小锤头不断敲凿。The boy smashed the vase with a hammer.男孩用锤子把花瓶砸碎了。Why do you hammer at the subject day after day?你为何日复一日地钻研那个科目? A few taps with a hammer and it was fixed.用锤子轻轻敲几下就修好了。The advertising campaign will try to hammer home the message that excessive drinking is a health risk.这次广告宣传将使大家清楚地了解过量饮酒有害健康。The decision is a hammer blow for the coal industry.这一决定对煤炭工业是一个沉重打击。He used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the wall.他用榔头和凿子铲墙。If any of the boards come loose, just hammer them back in place.如果哪块板子松了,用锤子锤回原位就行了。The house is still reverberating to his hammer blows.屋子里还在回荡着他锤子的敲打声。She had been viciously attacked with a hammer.有人用锤子凶狠地攻击过她。Some valuable paintings went/came under the hammer today.几幅珍贵油画今天被拍卖了。He broke into the old man's house and bludgeoned him with a hammer.他闯进了老人的房子,用铁锤猛击老人。The hammer and sickle is the emblem of the Communist Party.锤头和镰刀是共产党的标志。He loved gardening. He went at it hammer and tongs as soon as he got back from work.他酷爱侍弄花草。只要下班一回到家,他就兴冲冲地忙活起来。He attacked the woman with a hammer.他用锤子殴打那位妇女。The ring of his hammer echoed round the square.他的锤子的敲击声在广场上回响。She was holding a hammer in her fist.她手里握着锤子。Exhibit A is the hammer found next to the victim.证物甲是在受害者身边发现的一把锤子。He killed the man with a single blow of the hammer.他一榔头打死了那个人。She used a hammer to beat the metal into shape.她用锤子把金属块捶打成形。




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