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词汇 Hall
例句 Hall was found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice.霍尔被判作伪证和妨碍司法公正的罪名成立。His uncle put in a good word for him at City Hall.他的叔叔在市政府为他美言。Everyone at City Hall is receiving kickbacks. It's the only way to get anything done there.市政府里的每个人都收回扣,在那里只有送红包,事情才办得成。City Hall is a fine example of Gothic architecture.市政厅是哥特式建筑的范例。The family owned Locksley Hall for generations.这家人拥有洛克斯利府已有好几代了。The Albert Hall is a huge auditorium.艾伯特音乐厅是一个大型音乐厅。The new director of the Urban League was given the brush-off by City Hall.市政厅让城镇联合会的新主任碰了钉子。You really know you've made it when they enshrine you in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.当他们把你收入摇滚歌手名人堂时你就真的成功了。The host will dish out the prizes at London's Royal Albert Hall.主持人将在伦敦皇家艾伯特音乐厅颁奖。I heard the orchestra play at Carnegie Hall last summer.去年夏天我在卡内基音乐厅聆听了这个交响乐团的演奏。Hall expressed his distress at the court's failure to uphold his rights.霍尔对法庭没能维护他的权利表达了悲哀。The dog show was being held in the Agricultural Hall.狗展正在农展馆举行。Royce Hall was an exact replica of the basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan.罗伊斯大厅是位于米兰的圣安布洛乔大教堂的原样复制建筑。Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract with Symphony Hall to perform the piano recital.阿什克纳齐先生已通知我们,他将无法履行和交响音乐厅签订的钢琴独奏演出合同。He was so happy, he cut a caper on the steps of Town Hall.他太开心了,竟在市政厅前的台阶上手舞足蹈了一番。We sat each paper in the Hall.我们每一场考试都是在大厅里考的。You will have to apply to City Hall for a building permit.你必须向市政府申请建筑许可证。The reconstruction of the Town Hall is scheduled to start next month.市政厅的重建计划于下月开始。They are holding a fund-raising reception on Friday in the City Hall.星期五,他们要在市政厅举行筹款招待会。He was elected as a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.他入选了棒球名人堂。Radical fire-eaters were all for taking over the Town Hall there and then.激进的好战分子完全赞同立即接管市政府。One of Belfast's most famous landmarks, the Grosvenor Hall, has been demolished.贝尔法斯特最著名的地标之一格罗夫纳大厦已被拆毁了。It was brilliant to hear George Harrison in concert at the Royal Albert Hall last week.上周在皇家艾伯特厅听到乔治·哈里森的现场演出真是太棒了。Angry workers were gathering on the steps of City Hall.愤怒的工人聚集在市政厅的台阶上。The Music Hall is going to close down right after Easter.复活节一过音乐厅就要关门了。It was her dream to play Carnegie Hall.在卡内基音乐厅演奏是她的梦想。As the saying goes, you can't fight City Hall.俗话说,谁也斗不过那些当官的。Hall was found guilty of perjury.霍尔被判犯有伪证罪。She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.她已经成了霍顿府的常客。The Albert Hall is a huge auditorium.艾伯特纪念堂是一个巨大的礼堂。Residents of the Red Hall estate claim to be living in fear of gangs who roam the streets after dark.红厅小区的居民称他们生活在恐惧之中,怕天黑后在街上晃荡的罪犯。The recycling program simply hasn't been a high priority at City Hall.循环利用计划根本就没有成为市政府最优先考虑的事。Dr Hall said he had been misquoted in the press.霍尔博士说新闻界把他的话引用错了。The orchestra is to perform its last ever concert/last concert ever tomorrow night at the Albert Hall.管弦乐队将于明晚在艾伯特音乐厅举行最后一次演出。The Mozart Ensemble is/are playing at Carnegie Hall tonight.莫扎特乐团今晚要在卡内基厅演出。The renovation work to St George's Hall was completed six months ahead of schedule and under budget.圣乔治大堂的翻修工程提前六个月并低于预算完成。He died at Holly Hall, his wife's family home.他在妻子的娘家冬青府去世。This concert hall is the American equivalent to London's Albert Hall.这个音乐厅可称得上是美国的伦敦艾伯特音乐厅。Brewer Hall is a red-brick building with white trim.布鲁尔大厅是一幢红砖配以白色饰边的建筑。The orchestra will be at the Festival Hall tonight, performing a selection of works by Russian composers.今晚该乐队将在节日音乐厅演奏几首精选的俄罗斯作曲家的作品。




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