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例句 A tiger appeared from nowhere.突然地出现了一只老虎。Her photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times.她的照片刊登在《纽约时报》的头版。She appeared in her first Broadway musical last year.她去年首次在百老汇音乐剧中演出。He appeared to be in great discomfort.他看上去很难受。He appeared tired and in want of a shave.他显得很疲惫,胡子也需要刮了。We were dumbstruck. We just couldn't believe our eyes when she appeared.我们惊呆了。她出现时我们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。In recent years she has appeared in public less frequently.近年来她在公开场合露面的次数少了。A face appeared at the window.窗前露出了一张脸。Everyone appeared to have a good time. = They all appeared to enjoy themselves.每个人似乎都玩得很开心。Crowds appeared at the arraignments, clashing with security forces.传讯时,人群和安全部队发生了冲突。Intimates of the star say that he has been upset by the personal attacks on him that have appeared in the press recently.这位明星的密友们说他最近正为报纸上出现的对他的人身攻击感到苦恼。He appeared totally detached from the horrific nature of his crimes.他好像对自己可怕的罪行完全无动于衷。A thickset young man appeared in the doorway.一个身材敦实的年轻人出现在门口。The planet appeared as a dazzling silver crescent.那颗行星看起来像一个令人眩目的银色月牙。Another ship appeared on the horizon.又一艘船出现在地平线上。As I looked out over the water, a small boat appeared in the middle distance.当我朝水面望去时,一条小船出现在水中央。He was showing off like mad, but she appeared unimpressed.他在拼命地炫耀自己,但是她却显得不以为然。The ad appeared on all major channels.这一广告出现在各大频道中。A grey smudge appeared on the horizon. That must be Calais, thought Fay.一个模糊的灰影出现在地平线上。那里一定是加来,法伊心想。She gained notoriety when nude photographs of her appeared in a magazine.她因其裸照刊登在杂志上而声名狼藉。"Get out!" she spat, when Ace appeared in the doorway.埃斯出现在门口时,她厉声说道:“出去!”They appeared unaware of the contradictions in their argument.他们好像没有意识到他们论据中的自相矛盾。A serious split in the ruling coalition appeared soon after the election.选举后执政联盟很快就出现了严重分裂。He appeared untroubled by doubts of any kind.看来他什么样的疑虑都没有。Rachel appeared poised and calm.蕾切尔看上去沉着冷静。Miss Baggely appeared unconfident, almost furtive.巴格利小姐显得很不自信,有点躲躲闪闪的。Harris disappeared from the scene as suddenly as he had appeared.哈里斯突然出现,又突然消失了。He appeared intoxicated, police said.他看上去喝醉了,警察说。All in all, it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones.总之,等待琼斯的似乎是一个相当令人沮丧的夏天。He appeared very composed despite the stress he was under.尽管压力很大,他看起来仍十分镇定。Later that year, the substance of their secret conversation appeared in a newspaper article.那年稍后,他们这次秘密谈话的要点出现在报纸上的一篇文章中。Even when he appeared to be depressed, a dry sense of humour never deserted him.即使在他看上去很沮丧的时候,他也从没有丧失过自己的冷面幽默。Party members appeared on television to repudiate policies they had formerly supported.党员们在电视里声明拒绝接受他们从前拥护的政策。There was a burst of laughter when he appeared.他出现的时候下面一阵大笑。One day a stranger appeared on my doorstep.有一天,一个陌生人出现在我门前。Allegations had appeared in the press implicating the army and police in some of the killings.媒体上出现了对军方和警察与一些屠杀事件有牵连的指控。Stan Laurel appeared in many comedies with his co-star Oliver Hardy.斯坦·劳雷尔和他的搭档奥利弗·哈迪联袂主演了许多喜剧片。As the teacher appeared, Matt shut the box quickly.老师来了,马特急忙把盒子盖上。Prosecutors may try to determine if Robb gave false testimony when he appeared before the grand jury.控方可能要努力查明罗布是否在大陪审团面前作了伪证。The two friends died in what appeared to be a suicide pact.看来这两个朋友死于自杀协定。




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