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词汇 appearances
例句 Their marriage was over, but they wanted to keep up appearances for the children.他们的婚姻已经完了,但他们想为了孩子而继续维持名义上的婚姻。She is in constant demand to make public appearances and give interviews.她不断地被邀约公开亮相,接受采访。She prepared herself for a round of appearances on television and radio shows.她为自己在电视和广播节目中一系列的露面做好了准备。He was small and to all appearances very modest.他身材矮小,看起来很谦逊。The threats left her plagued by nightmares, and fearful of making public appearances.这些威胁使她受到恶梦的侵扰,并且不敢公开露面。He seemed perfectly healthy before he had his heart attack. That just goes to show that appearances can be deceptive.在心脏病发作之前他看起来挺健康的。这恰好证明表相可能有欺骗性。One man has been convicted of the crime, and two others are awaiting court appearances. 一人被判有罪,其他两人在等候出庭受审。Her public appearances are all scripted events.她每次公开露面都经过了精心的准备。Of course, he tries to keep up appearances, but he lives entirely off borrowed money.当然,他竭力装门面,可他完全是在靠借来的钱过活。To all appearances, they were a happily married couple.从各方面看来,他们是一对幸福的夫妻。The American president, despite appearances, has only limited power.美国总统尽管表面上很威风,实际上权力有限。She just wanted to keep up appearances for the kids.她就是想为了孩子装装样子。Her public appearances rarely fail to attract huge crowds. 每当她出现在公众场合,总会招引来一大群人。For the sake of appearances we chin-chinned and tried to look gay.为了装装样子,我们互相举杯祝酒,尽量表现出快乐的神情。He was a small and to all appearances an unassuming man.他个子小,看上去不事张扬。Publishers often attempt to jump-start a new book with TV appearances by the author.出版商常常借助作者上电视的手段来推广新书。The pictures were taken at one of his few public appearances.这些照片是在他少数几次公开露面中的一次拍摄的。The interview was just for appearances.面试只是装装样子而已。Don't be misled by appearances, he's a good worker.不要被表象迷惑,他是一个非常能干的工人。The group's lead singer has been making solo appearances on the side.该乐队的主唱还一直单独出演。To/By/From all outward appearances, their marriage was quite normal.从表面上看,他们的婚姻十分正常。To all appearances their marriage is fine, but I think she gives him a bad time in private.从表面看他们的婚姻很美满,但我觉得在私下里她不会给他好日子过。First appearances are deceptive.第一印象是靠不住的。It's important to keep up appearances.保持体面很重要。His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood.父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。She has made several television appearances recently.她最近在电视上露了几次面。They were very unhappily married but kept up appearances for the sake of their children.他们的婚姻并不幸福,但为了子女而装作一切正常。She's made a number of television appearances.她已在电视上好几次亮相。I know appearances can be deceptive, but Jeffrey didn't seem like a wife-beater.我知道人不可貌相,可是杰弗里并不像是个会打老婆的人。She is only attending the banquet for the sake of appearances. 她只参加在别人看来她应该出席的宴会。You will make a mistake if you go on appearances.如果你根据表面现象看问题,你就要犯错误。It's wise not to go only by appearances.不仅仅以貌取人是明智的。This was a company that, by all appearances, had risen from the dead.种种迹象表明这家公司已经起死回生。His public appearances are good publicity for the new movie.他的公开露面引起了公众对这部新电影的积极关注。He doesn't look well off, but you shouldn't judge by appearances.他看上去不富有,但是你不应该以貌取人。His work schedule still includes speaking engagements and other public appearances.他的工作日程表上还包括演讲安排和在其他公开场合的露面。The jet-setting couple made frequent appearances in the gossip columns.那对阔气的夫妇频繁出现在花边新闻专栏里。He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent parliamentary appearances.与最近在议会露面时的表现相比,他过去要自信得多。Don't be fooled by appearances.不要为外表所欺骗。She makes occasional appearances on television. = She appears on the occasional television show.她偶尔在电视上露面。




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