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词汇 Had
例句 Had Jamie ever been in any kind of trouble?.杰米遇到过什么麻烦吗?Had her grandmother knowingly taken the money?她祖母故意拿走了那笔钱吗?Had she missed something important, or was this just a non sequitur?她是不是漏掉了什么重要的东西,抑或这只是瞎猜呢?Had I realized what you were intending to do, I would have stopped you.如果我当时知道你要做什么,我就会制止你了。Had it happened by accident or by design?这件事是意外还是人为策划的?Had it really been impossible to find someone who could smuggle out a letter?.真的找不到一个能把信偷偷地带出去的人吗?Had I known, I'd have stopped him going.早知如此,我就不让他去了。Had he lived up to his promise, he would have made a fortune in sponsorship money.要是他遵守了诺言的话,他本应该已经从赞助费中赚了一大笔钱了。Had he been indiscreet in what he had said?他曾轻率地说过什么吗?A newspaper half jested: Had alcohol not already killed him, this would surely drive him to drink.一份报纸半开玩笑地写道:要不是喝酒已经要了他的命,这肯定会让他想要喝上一杯。Had we known about it earlier, we could have warned people of the danger.假如早点知道这件事的话,我们就能警告人们有危险了。Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly.要是他当时成功了,他就会取得垄断地位。I couldn't shake off a niggling worry. Had I forgotten to lock the office door?我无法摆脱这烦人的担心。我是不是忘记锁上办公室的门了?Had I known earlier that you wanted to join the team, I'd have put your name on the list.要是我早知道你想加入这支队,我就把你的名字放到名单上了。Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank she might have captured a vital scene.要是她把相机的镜头一直对准河岸的话,可能就捕捉到重要的一幕了。Had the paramedics not acted so swiftly, he would have died.要不是急救人员行动迅速,他就没命了。Prison warps people. Had it warped Kelley enough that he would kill a stranger?监狱扭曲人性。它有没有使凯利变态到会杀死一个陌生人呢?Had he sought supervision, he may have been helped to disentangle his feelings, motives, and beliefs.要是他寻求了指导,他也许就会在别人的帮助下理清自己的感受、动机和信念。Had he listened, parliamentary democracy might have been strangled at birth.如果他听信了这些话,议会民主可能早就被扼杀在摇篮中了。Had an eagle braved the frigid, airy heights, he would have been hard-pressed to see the castle below.雕若振翅飞凌高寒之界,便很难注意到地上的城堡。Had he taken the keys and played around with her car?他是不是拿过车钥匙,开着她的车子玩儿?Had the bomb dropped over a populated area of the city, there might have been a great deal of damage.如果炸弹投在了该市人口密集的地区,那损失就大了。Had he spoken like this to anyone else, it would have been taken as an insult.如果他对任何别的人这样说话,都会被人视为是一种冒犯。Had I known what the problem was, we could have addressed it.如果我当时知道问题出在哪里,我们就可以设法解决了。Had you truly forgotten or were you just being deliberately perverse?你是真的忘记了,还是故意作对?Had the prisoner previously displayed suicidal tendencies?该囚犯以前有过自杀倾向吗?Had I really heard a noise, or was I just imagining things?我是真的听到了声音,还是仅仅是我的幻觉?Sorry I'm late. Had to wait hours for a bus.对不起,我迟到了。等公交车等了很长时间。




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