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I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.我不得不为体操运动员扭曲身体摆出的各种姿势而赞叹。The medal is being keenly contested by eight gymnasts.八名体操运动员在激烈争夺这枚奖牌。Groups of gymnasts are having their physical training in the gymnasium.几组体操运动员正在体育馆里进行体育锻炼。The gymnasts performed their routines perfectly.体操运动员完美地完成了一系列动作。Good gymnasts rehearse their moves mentally before a competition.优秀的体操运动员在赛前都会在心中默默地把动作过一遍。The gymnasts finish with floor exercises and the balance beam.体操运动员以自由体操和平衡木项目结束比赛。The young gymnasts who won the competition were a talented and disciplined team.赢得比赛的年轻体操运动员们是一支才华出众纪律严明的队伍。 |