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词汇 Guy
例句 I'm tired of the way they treat me. From now on, no more Mr. Nice Guy! 我厌倦了他们对待我的方式。从现在起,我再也不当好好先生了!Johnny and Guy are the greatest unacknowledged pop songwriters in Britain.约翰尼和盖伊是英国最了不起的、尚未被公众认可的流行歌曲创作者。He tweaked Guy's ear roughly.他粗暴地扯盖伊的耳朵。Guy felt wretched about it now.现在盖伊对那件事觉得愧疚了。Guy had to obey his superiors, no matter what his private thoughts on the matter.不管自己对这件事的个人想法如何,盖伊必须听从主管的。I've had enough of people taking advantage of me. From now on it's no more Mr Nice Guy.我受够了老被人利用。从现在起我不再做好好先生了。They have ordered a bit of greenery to brighten up the new wing at Guy's Hospital.他们订购了一些绿植来装点盖伊医院的新侧楼。David ran through the agreement with Guy, point by point.戴维和盖伊一起把协议逐条看了一遍。Mr Worthing is this election's Mr Nice Guy, without any skeletons in his cupboard.沃辛先生是此次选举中的正派先生,本身没有任何见不得人的丑事。Guy became aloof and silent.盖伊变得冷淡起来,不作声了。Guy slackened his pace as he approached the gate.盖伊快到大门时放慢了脚步。When Uncle Guy arrived from Dublin he brought them an enormous box of chocolates.盖伊叔叔从都柏林来的时候给他们买了一大盒巧克力。Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.盖伊当选领导,在后来一次定类测量中发现他的情商是最高的。Guy's father is such a sweetie.盖伊的父亲非常讨人喜欢。Guy wasn't really the sporty type.盖伊不是那种擅长体育运动的人。They were a perfect combination - Anton as chef and Guy as restaurant manager.安东做厨师,盖伊做餐馆经理,他俩是对完美的搭档。I shall always love Guy and mourn for him.我将永远爱盖伊并悼念他。Guy used a pry on the lock, and it gave way pretty easy.盖伊用一个撬杆撬锁,锁很容易就撬开了。Guy's mouth twisted into a wry smile.盖伊咧着嘴苦笑。She cast an anguished look at Guy.她痛苦地瞥了盖伊一眼。




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