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词汇 gum
例句 I looked it up, and by gum, she was right!我查了一下,天哪,她是正确的!She sucked a gum while she listened.她一边听一边吮着橡皮糖。He popped a piece of gum into his mouth.他把一片口香糖丢进嘴里。Can you gum this piece of wood on to the wall?你能不能把这片木头黏到墙上去? They stopped up leaks with chewing gum.他们用口香糖堵住了漏的地方。Chewing gum on a train is not seemly in a lady.淑女在火车上嚼囗香糖不太雅观。She stuck her chewing gum on the bottom of the chair.她把口香糖粘在椅子的底部。If they don't deliver the parts we need, we'll really be up a gum tree! 如果他们不交付我们所需的零件,我们就真的一筹莫展了!He filched a pack of gum when no one was looking.他趁人不注意偷了一包口香糖。She was reading a book and chewing gum like sixty.她悠然自得地一边看书,一边嚼着口香糖。When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.牙斑如果不清除就会导致牙齿蛀蚀和牙龈疾病。The chewing gum wouldn't come off.口香糖去不掉。She took out a piece of chewing gum and popped it in her mouth.她掏出一块口香糖,一下子塞进口中。Lumps of tartar push the gum away and allow infection into the tooth socket.一块块牙石造成牙龈萎缩,使传染物得以进入牙槽。The boy popped a piece of gum into his mouth.那男孩把一块口香糖塞进嘴里。He dropped the gum wrapper on the floor.他将口香糖纸扔在地板上。Helen sat there, chewing a piece of gum.海伦坐在那里,嚼着口香糖。There was gum stuck underneath the table.桌子底面粘着口香糖。Take that chewing gum out of your mouth!把那口香糖吐出来!She spit a wad of gum into the trash.她把一团口香糖吐进了垃圾箱。By gum, our Maisie, that were a champion piece of parkin.天啊,梅西,那块麦片姜饼好吃极了。Please consult your dentist or hygienist if gum problems persist.如果牙龈问题持续存在,请咨询牙科医生或牙科保健员。He was reading the newspaper, gum in mouth.他一边嚼著口香糖一边看报。The new legislation may actually gum up an efficient system.新的法规可能会扰乱高效率的体系。There's a gob of gum on my chair.我的椅子上有一团口香糖。Regulators may gum up an efficient system.管理者可能会使一个行之有效的制度陷于瘫痪。One girl was chewing gum.一个女孩在嚼口香糖。Grape is my favorite bubble gum flavor.葡萄味是我最爱的泡泡糖口味。He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum.他举着一张被撕成两半后又用胶粘在一起的一英镑的钞票。She scratched the gum off her shoe with a stick.她用一根小棍把鞋上的口香糖刮掉了。She spit out her gum before class.上课之前,她把口香糖吐了出来。If you bring the deposit bottles back, you'll have enough money for gum.只要你把带押金的瓶子还回来,你便有足够的钱买口香糖了。There's a gob of gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.我鞋底粘了一块口香糖。Spit your gum out before you come into the classroom.进教室之前把口香糖吐掉。Don't gum up the work by telling Mother what we are going to do.别告诉母亲我们要干的事,那会把事情搞糟的。We're not allowed to chew gum in class.我们不许在上课时嚼口香糖。He went away with all my clothes packed in his own bags, so I was left really up a gum tree!他把我所有的衣服都塞进包里带走了,这下我可是进退维谷了。Some smokers use chewing gum containing nicotine to help them kick the habit.有些吸烟的人用含有尼古丁的口香糖来帮助戒烟。Spit out that gum and pay attention.把那块口香糖吐出来,注意听。Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.把口香糖从你的嘴里拿出来。




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