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词汇 grown-up
例句 Tell children to tell a grown-up if they're being bullied.告诉孩子们,如果被人欺负就告诉大人。Louis looked so grown-up in his school uniform.路易斯穿上校服看起来成熟多了。They're a middle-aged couple, with grown-up children.他们是一对中年夫妇,孩子们都已成年。She has two grown-up children who work in the family business.她有两个孩子,都已长大成人,就职于他们的家族企业。It's great to have a grown-up meal in a restaurant, sans kids!餐馆里只有成年人,没有小孩子真好。She has three grown-up sons.她有三个已经成年的儿子。She has two grown-up sons.她有两个成年的儿子。They're grown-up enough to deal with the situation.他们很成熟,足以应对这种情况了。Ask a grown-up to help you.找个大人帮你一下。He lived alone, keeping close contact with his three grown-up sons.他一个人住,同三个已成年的儿子保持着密切联系。Ask a grown-up to cut the shape out for you.请大人来替你剪出这个形状。He acts like a grown-up person.他的举止行为像成人。She was a widow with three grown-up children.她是个寡妇,有三个成年子女。Before you know it, the children will be grown-up and leaving home.转眼之间,孩子们就会长大成人离家而去。Get the children to tell a grown-up if they're being bullied.跟孩子们说,如果被人欺负就告诉大人。Now her children are grown-up and she has talked through with them what happened.现在孩子们长大了,所以她就把以前的事儿悉数告诉了他们。This book is a little too grown-up for him.他看这本书年龄还小了点。This was the first grown-up party she'd ever been to.这是她参加的第一个成人聚会。I expect more grown-up behaviour of you.我希望你能表现得更像一个成年人。Her songs tackle grown-up subjects.她的歌曲唱的都是成年人的事情。She's very grown-up for a ten-year-old.作为一个十岁的孩子她非常成熟。She's very grown-up.她表现得很像个大人。Their children are all grown-up now. 他们的孩子现在都成年了。At home there was always a grown-up to turn to if you were in trouble.如果你碰到什么麻烦,家里总有一个大人可以依靠。How grown-up you look!你看起来很成熟啊!I have grown-up children who're doing well.我的几个孩子已经长大成人并且事业有成。Our children are all grown-up now.我们的孩子现在都已长大成人。Jan was almost a grown-up.简都快是个大人了。She talked in a grown-up manner.她讲起话来像个大人。




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