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Judaism warns us not to grieve excessively; rather one should achieve consolation in positive accomplishments.犹太教提醒我们不要过度悲伤,而应该在积极成就中获取安慰。People need time to grieve after the death of a loved one.人们在所爱之人去世后会有一段悲伤的时间。People must be allowed to grieve the loss of a relative for as long as they need to.必须容许人们哀悼逝去的亲人,直到他们感到足够为止。We were told not to grieve that our friend would soon be pushing up the daisies.人们告诉我们不要为朋友即将归西感到悲伤。You must not grieve at such trifles.你千万不要为这种小事难过。I didn't have any time to grieve.我没有时间伤心。People need time to grieve after the death of a family member.人们在亲人去世后要经历一段时间的悲伤。They returned to grieve a relative.他们因一位亲戚亡故而回来奔丧。The families have never been able to grieve properly.家人们从未能彻底地悲痛一场。Millet continued to grieve for his wife for many years after her death.妻子去世后,米利特的悲痛持续了许多年。You can't grieve forever.你不能永远悲痛下去。Her father had once told her not to grieve for the dead.她父亲曾经告诉她,不要为死去的人悲痛。It's perfectly natural to grieve for the loss of a pet.因为失去宠物而感到悲痛是完全正常的。I never had time to grieve properly.实际上我从未有时间顾得上悲伤。 |