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例句 A posse of reporters greeted the coach.一群记者向教练打招呼。The minister was greeted with a chorus of boos.大臣遭到了一片嘘声。The announcement was greeted with surprise.人们对这个通告感到吃惊。He greeted Charles with a languid wave of his hand.他无精打采地挥挥手,算是和查尔斯打招呼。The four men were greeted by jubilant relatives upon their release.四名男子获释后受到亲属们兴高采烈地欢迎。She greeted him with a hug and a kiss.她用拥抱和亲吻来欢迎他。He greeted all his old acquaintances.他问候了所有的老朋友。A roaring sound greeted his ears.一阵喧嚣声传入他耳中。Her idea was greeted with enthusiasm.她的想法得到热烈的响应。His speech was greeted with (shouts of) acclamation.他的演讲博得阵阵喝彩(声)。They greeted her speech with warm applause.他们对她的演讲报以热烈的掌声。In the end she greeted me, but not very politely.最后她跟我打了招呼,但却很不礼貌。His fans greeted him with fistbumps of congratulation.他的球迷们跟他击拳庆祝胜利。She greeted him like a long-lost brother.她像对待阔别已久的亲兄弟一样迎接他。The announcement was greeted with astonished laughter.通告发布之后爆出令人吃惊的大笑。I was greeted by a shocking sight.一幅令人震惊的画面映入我的眼帘。Loud cheers and whistles greeted the team.热烈的欢呼声和口哨声迎接球队的到来。We were greeted at the front door by our host.我们在门口受到了主人的迎接。The actor's entrance was greeted with applause.那位演员在掌声中登场。She was greeted by thousands of worshipful fans.她受到数千名崇拜她的粉丝的欢迎。This announcement was greeted with boos and hisses.这项宣布引来一片嘘声。Haig's speech was greeted by furious applause.黑格的演讲受到了听众的热烈欢迎。The European Court's decision has been greeted with dismay by fishermen.渔民对欧洲法庭的裁决感到失望。The throng greeted Sutter with cheers and applause.一大群人欢呼鼓掌,迎接萨特。She greeted us gaily with a wave.她高兴地向我们挥手致意。His comment was greeted by a puzzled look.他的这番话被报以疑惑的目光。The announcement was greeted by/with a mixture of boos and cheers.人们对通告的反应褒贬皆有。The announcement was greeted with applause and cheers.这一宣告被报以热烈的掌声和欢呼声。His suggestion was greeted with incredulity.人们对他的建议持怀疑态度。He was greeted with the usual hail-fellow-well-met slap on the back and handshake.人们用一贯的拍背和握手等亲热方式来欢迎他。Her suggestion was greeted with peals of laughter.她的建议招来的是哄堂大笑。His suggestion was greeted with peals of laughter.他的建议引起阵阵响亮的笑声。He was greeted with a tender smile and another kiss on the forehead.迎接他的是温暖的笑容和额上的一吻。He was greeted with all the pageantry of an official state visit.他受到了国宾规格的热情隆重接待。The prime minister's supporters greeted her speech with rapture.首相的演讲赢得了支持者们阵阵热烈的欢呼。A cheering multitude greeted the Queen.一大群人欢呼着迎接女王。The head teacher greeted all the students by name.校长叫每个学生的名字打招呼。A stunned silence greeted her announcement.她宣布的事情惊得大家哑口无言。They were greeted by the cheers of an ecstatic crowd.狂喜的人群欢呼着迎接他们。He greeted us both with warmth and affection.他热情且友好地迎接了我们俩。




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