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词汇 green
例句 Spring arrived and the first green leaves began to appear.春天到了,第一批绿叶开始长出来了。The walls had been painted with vivid flowers, dark green trees, a silver blue lake.墙上画着色彩艳丽的花朵,深绿色树木和灰蓝色湖泊。Some green algae are multicellular.一些绿藻是多细胞生物。She wore a tight shrill green dress.她穿一件碧绿的紧身连衣裙。On the slopes, the pasture was beginning to look green and lush.山坡上,牧草开始变得又绿又茂盛。They moved to a house overlooking the green.他们搬进了一所能俯瞰草地的房子。I'm sorry, but fluorescent green socks are just not suitable for a job interview.荧光的绿色袜子恐怕不适合在面试的时候穿。They painted the front of the house bright green.他们把房子正面漆成鲜绿色。When she left school and started her first job, she was as green as grass.她走出校门刚开始工作时非常幼稚。The marble was streaked with green and grey.大理石上夹杂着绿色和灰色条纹。The inner residential areas don't have many green spaces.市内住宅区没有多少绿地。He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably.他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。It took him four shots to get to the green.他四次击球后把球打到了果岭。The carpets were a lurid shade of green.地毯是俗艳的绿色。The package had been tied with strong green string.包裹是用结实的绿绳捆起来的。The room remains simple with bare, stippled green walls.房间仍然很简朴,四面都是饰有圆点的绿色空墙。The place where they sat was shaded from the sun by green awnings.他们坐的地方有绿色的天篷遮阴。The press feels the need to associate itself with the green movement.媒体感到有必要支持绿色运动。He was a marvelous teacher, green-fingered with children.他是位出色的教师,对付孩子很有办法。The maypole, a phallic symbol, would be raised on many a village green.许多村庄的公共绿地都会竖立起象征男性生殖器的五月柱。The manifesto pays scant regard to green issues.这份宣言对环保问题不大关注。He wore green-tinted glasses.他戴着一副带淡绿色的墨镜。Here are some ideas for what you can do with unripe green tomatoes. 这里有一些如何利用未成熟西红柿的方法。I prefer solid colors like blue or green instead of plaids and stripes.与彩格和条纹相比,我更喜欢纯蓝色或纯绿色。A burning green stick sputters out smoke.一根燃烧着的青枝会劈劈啪啪地冒出烟来。He could see through the windows a vista of green fields.透过窗户他可以看到碧绿的田野风光。The green shoots were hopeful signs of spring.绿色的嫩芽是春天充满希望的象征。A dark green tank peeped out into the street like a curious animal.一辆深绿色的坦克出现在大街上,就像一只奇特的动物。They had every imaginable shade of green.什么样的绿色他们都有。Ella had a smudge of green paint on her cheek.埃拉脸上有一块绿漆的污迹。The stems are dark green and glossy, not unlike a young bamboo cane.这些茎是深绿色的,非常光滑,和小竹条有些相似。I never have green fingers.我向来不擅长种花莳草。The plant has light green leaves with silver marks on their upper surfaces.这种植物的叶子呈淡绿色,叶面有银白色的斑点。The sheep were grazing on the lush green pastures.羊群正在郁郁葱葱的牧场上吃草。A number of important vitamins are found naturally in dark green vegetables like spinach.许多重要的维生素天然存在于诸如菠菜这样的深绿色蔬菜中。She was dressed from head to foot in green velvet.她从头到脚都穿着绿色丝绒。Combat attrition was taking a steep toll, and to send green replacements into the skies was fruitless.战斗消耗使伤亡激增,把没有经验的新兵飞行员送上天空又完全于事无补。He was dressed in a green bomber jacket and olive fatigues.他穿着绿色短夹克和橄榄色工作裤。She has green fingers. 她是种植花木的能手。The landscape bore a superficial resemblance to England's green and pleasant land, and each house had a small suburban garden.那景色表面上像英格兰绿意融融的大地,每一栋房子都带一座有城郊特点的小花园。




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