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例句 Apart from a small team of paid staff, the organisation consists of unpaid volunteers.除了一小组受薪员工外,这个组织里都是不领报酬的志愿者。Apart from the victim's name and age, no other details were given.除了受害者的名字和年龄外,没有提供任何其他细节。Apart from the ending, it's a really good film.除去结尾部分,这是一部很好的电影。Apart from the incident in Las Vegas our vacation was completely trouble-free.除了在拉斯韦加斯发生的那件事情之外,我们的假期非常顺利。Apart from a few swimmers, the rest of us stretched out on the bank to sunbathe.除了几个人在游泳外,我们其他人伸开四肢躺在岸边晒日光浴。Apart from a few minor niggles, everything went well.除了一些鸡毛蒜皮的操心事外,一切还好。Apart from the hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged.令人惊奇的是,除了头发,他看起来一点儿都没变。Apart from the Nile valley, Egypt is mostly desert.除了尼罗河谷,埃及大部分地区都是沙漠。Apart from a few nicks in the varnish, the guitar is in very good condition.除了漆面上有几道划痕,这把吉他保养得很好。Apart from the occasional letter, they had not been in touch for years.除了偶尔通信之外,他们好多年没有联系了。Apart from anything else, he comes near to contradicting himself.不说别的,他几乎自己就是自相矛盾。Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops.除了当足球教练的收入之外,他还拥有并经营一家体育用品连锁店。Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person.除了主人以外,其他人我一个也不认识。Apart from two men on watch in the engine-room, everyone was asleep.除了两个人在机房值班外,其他人都在睡觉。Apart from a few union diehards most of the men have accepted the new productivity agreement.除了工会里的几个强硬分子以外,绝大多数人都接受了新的生产效率协议。Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.除罪案调查技巧外,学生们还要学习法医学、哲学和逻辑学。Apart from the fact that we went to the same school, we have absolutely nothing in common.我们俩除了上过同一所学校以外,就毫无共同之处。Apart from the usual aches and pains, she felt all right.除了几处经常性的疼痛以外,她感到身体尚可。Apart from that, everything's fine.除此之外,一切都很好。Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person there.除了主人外,那里的人我一个也不认识。Apart from a few loose ends that need to be tied up, everything has gone according to schedule.除了还有一些零星事务要处理,一切都如期进行。Apart from the salary/Salary apart, it's not a bad job.不考虑薪水的话,这工作还不错。Apart from elevating your mood, soup is a healthy appetizer that is very filling too.除了帮助你提升情绪,汤是有益健康的开胃菜,也很饱腹。Apart from anything else I was starving.别的不说,我饿坏了。Apart from one or two loose threads, the police now had the complete picture of what happened.除了一两条松散的线索之外,警察对于发生的事情已经有了全盘了解。Apart from providing humanitarian aid, the UN is also supposed to enforce agreements.联合国除提供人道主义援助外,还应该力促协议的实施。Apart from the humming of the bees, all was silent and still.除了蜜蜂的嗡嗡声之外,一切都毫无动静。Apart from the body of the book there are three informative appendices.除正文外,该书还有三个资料丰富的附录。Apart from vaccines, there is no known way to protect against meningitis.除了使用疫苗外,还未发现别的预防脑膜炎的方法。Apart from his salary, he also has a private income.除了薪水,他还有私人收入。Apart from one or two flare-ups the match went fairly smoothly.除了出现一两次争吵外,比赛进行得相当顺利。Apart from peppers and aubergines, many other vegetables grill well.除了辣椒和茄子,很多其他蔬菜也十分适于烧烤。I don't like it. Apart from anything else, it's too expensive.我不喜欢它。而且,它还太贵了。Apart from the capital outlay of buying the machine, dishwashers can actually save you money.除了购置所用开支,洗碗机实际上能为你省钱。Apart from photography, he has several other spheres of interest.除了摄影外,他还有其他一些兴趣爱好。Apart from going swimming occasionally, I don't get much exercise.除了偶尔游游泳之外,我不大运动。




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