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词汇 go without
例句 Either you eat your spinach or you go without ice-cream.你要么把菠菜吃了,要么你不吃冰淇淋。New parents go without much sleep for at least the first few months.初为父母的人最起码在头几个月里睡不了多少觉。If you can't afford a new car, you'll just have to go without.如果买不起新车,你就只得将就了。It goes without saying that he is a very sincere person.不用说,他是一位非常诚实的人。It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke.不用说,有肺病的人不应吸烟。Lucas's soldiers had to go without food or water for several days.卢卡斯手下的士兵好几天没有食物和水。It is possible to go without food for a few days.几天不吃东西是可以的。It goes without saying that I'll do whatever I can to help you.不用说我也会竭尽全力地帮助你。I can go without any kind of luxury.我可以放弃一切享受。If you don't like meat you can go without.如果你不喜欢吃肉,你可以不吃。There's no money for a holiday this year; we'll just have to go without.今年没钱去度假了,我们只能将就著不度假了。How long can you go without sleeping/sleep?不睡觉你可以撑多久?It goes without saying that children should not play with guns.不用说,小孩不应当玩弄枪支。He convinced her to go without using contrivance.他没用什么招数就说服她去了。The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.孩子补牙越晚越好。The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.孩子越晚需要补牙就越好。They were poor as children, and sometimes had to go without.他们童年时非常贫困,有时候只能勉强度日。If the others don't want to come, we'll go without them.如果其他人不想来,我们就自个儿去了。It goes without saying that consumers would be happier if prices were lower.不言而喻,价格越低消费者越高兴。All right, I'll go without you - you guys have no sense of adventure at all!好吧,我一个人去—一你们这些家伙一点冒险精神都没有!I'd rather go without food than work for him.我宁可饿肚子也不为他工作。Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as far as they will go without overstretching.坐在地板上,在不拉伤的前提下将双腿尽量叉开。He let go without warning me and I fell backwards.他没说一声就松了手,害得我仰天摔了一跤。I like to give the children what they want even if I have to go without.孩子们想要什么,我宁可自己不要也要给他们。We can't let his behaviour go without reprimand.我们不能让他任意胡来而不加谴责。Don't you dare go without me!你要敢把我给甩了自己去,看我怎么收拾你!She'll definitely win, that goes without saying.她肯定会获胜,这是不用说的。They've held the world record for many years, and they're not going to let it go without a fight.他们的世界纪录保持了多年,不经过拼争他们决不轻言放弃。I have a good mind to go without him if he's going to be such an idiot!如果他这么令人厌烦,我真不想让他一起去。During the month of Ramadan, Muslims go without food and drink between the hours of sunrise and sunset.斋月里,穆斯林从日出到日落的时间里不吃也不喝。I have known what it is like to go without food for days.我知道几天没有东西吃是什么滋味了。It looks as though we shall have to go without a holiday.看来我们今年只好不去度假了。Do you mean to go without money?你想身无分文就走吗? It goes without saying how very sorry I am.不用说我是多么地抱歉。Is it true that you were planning to go without me?你真的不打算带我去吗?




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