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词汇 go to sleep
例句 Tell the kids it's time to go to sleep. 告诉孩子们该上床睡觉了。He lay on the sofa and pretended to go to sleep.他躺在沙发上假装睡着了。Don't forget to say your prayers before you go to sleep.睡觉前别忘了祷告。Try not to take it personally when your child will not go to sleep.尽量不要把孩子不肯上床睡觉看作是你的错。I was just closing my eyes to go to sleep when the phone rang.我刚闭上眼睛要睡觉时,电话铃响了。The kids are getting overexcited and won't go to sleep.孩子们兴奋过头了,都不愿意去睡觉。When you go to sleep it is only the conscious mind that shuts down. The subconscious cannot do so.当你睡眠时只是意识暂停了,潜意识是不会停止的。She had to go through the ritual of kissing the toys before her son would go to sleep.她得亲吻一遍玩具后儿子才肯睡觉。I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.我只想蜷着身体睡觉。You'll find that your baby usually goes to sleep after a feed.你会发现你的孩子通常吃饱后就睡了。Try listening to a relaxation tape before you go to sleep.睡觉前试着听听让人放松的录音带。He won't go to sleep unless you tell him a story.要是你不给他讲故事他就不睡觉。Be a good boy and go to sleep.乖孩子,睡觉去。I always want to go to sleep after a heavy meal.饱餐一顿后我总是发困。Snuggle down and go to sleep.躺下睡觉。Now go to sleep and stop worrying about it.快睡吧,别再为此担心了。Close your eyes and go to sleep.闭上眼睛,睡觉吧。You need to go to sleep. You look ready to cave in.你需要睡觉。你看上去随时可能垮下来。After the party, I just wanted to go to sleep.派对结束后,我只想去睡觉。It is physically impossible for me to get everything done and still go to sleep on time.我根本不可能既完成所有的事又按时睡觉。When we were camping we used to go to sleep as soon as it got dark.以前我们野营时总是天一黑就睡觉。I told them to be quiet and go to sleep.我叫他们不要说话,马上睡觉。




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