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词汇 go to prison
例句 Some people hold their beliefs very strongly, even to the extent of being prepared to go to prison for them.一些人信仰坚定,甚至为之坐牢也在所不惜。He claimed he would rather go to prison than continue being dunned by the taxman.他声称宁可坐牢也不愿意再被税务局催款。If I were a young man I would sooner go to prison than fight for this country.如果我是个年轻人,我宁愿进监狱也不愿为这个国家打仗。A plea bargain was offered by the state assuring her that she would not go to prison.州方提出了一份认罪辩诉协议,保证她不会入狱。There are heavy fines for drink-driving. You might even go to prison.酒后驾车要被重罚,甚至可能要入狱。I would sooner go to prison than fight for this country.我宁愿坐牢也不愿为这个国家打仗。The police faced the prisoner with a simple choice:he could either give the names of his companions, or go to prison.警察让犯人面临一个简单的选择:要么供出同伙的名单,要么进监狱。I'm not going to sit by and watch a man go to prison for something I've done.我不能坐视他人为了我的所作所为而进监狱。He suffered the anguish of watching his son go to prison.他痛苦地看着儿子进监狱。Most criminals would rather go to prison than meet their victims.大多数罪犯宁愿进监狱也不愿见受害者。Speaking for the prosecution, Lipscomb said that both men should go to prison for the rest of their lives.利普斯科姆代表控方称,那两名男子该在监狱里度过余生。




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