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词汇 go to great lengths
例句 He'll go to great lengths to get the job done.他将不遗余力去完成这项工作。She'll go to great lengths to keep you from learning her secrets.她会想尽办法不让你知道她的秘密。Jane goes to great lengths to explain that this is not the whole story.简竭力地解释说那不是事情的全貌。Some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive.有些人不遗余力地装修自己的房子。He goes to great lengths to maintain these contacts.他费了很大的劲来维持这些社会关系。Some firms will go to great lengths, including spying, to obtain information about their competitors.有些公司会用各种手段,包括派出间谍,来获取竞争对手的消息。




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