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His job as a reporter gives him license to go anywhere and ask anything.记者这个工作使他有自由去任何地方,问任何问题。I heard that she might be quitting, but she says she's not going anywhere. 我听说她要离职,但她说她哪儿也不去。Women have to be more ambitious than men if they want to get anywhere in the business world.女性若要在商场上有所成就,就得比男人有更大的雄心。The procedure can take anywhere from/between two to four hours to complete.这个过程要持续二至四小时才能完成。Losing your temper won't get you anywhere.发脾气对你没什么帮助。If you see my keys lying around anywhere, put them on my desk.如果你看见我的钥匙放在什么地方了,就把它们放在我的书桌上。I've lost my keys. I can't find them anywhere.我的钥匙丢了,到处都找不着。We searched the house, but it wasn't anywhere to be found.我们在屋里找了个遍,但是哪儿也没有看见它。The police wouldn't let us get anywhere near the accident scene.警察不允许我们靠近事发现场。My keys have gone AWOL. I can't find them anywhere.我的钥匙不见了,我到处找也找不到。I would know that voice anywhere.我到哪里都听得出那个声音。I'd like to live anywhere else but here.我愿意住到任何别的地方,只要不是这里。Go anywhere in the world and you'll find some sort of hamburger restaurant.无论走到世界哪个地方,你都能看到这样或那样的汉堡快餐店。Do you need anywhere to stay tonight?你今天晚上需要找个住的地方吗?He won't go anywhere near the cemetery because he's so superstitious.他很迷信,他是不肯走近墓地的。They live up in the mountains, miles from anywhere.他们居住在高高的山上,远离尘嚣。This bird species is not found anywhere else in the world. 世界任何其他地方都没有这种鸟。He'll never get anywhere working for himself-he has no discipline.他单干永远不会成功 - 他没有自我约束能力。She doesn't look anywhere near as old as Rebecca.她看上去远不像丽贝卡年纪那样大。Has anyone seen my keys? I can't find them anywhere.有人见到我的钥匙吗? 我哪儿都找不到。The cattle disease occurs more or less anywhere in Africa where the fly occurs.在非洲凡是有这种蝇虫的地方,几乎都会出现这一牛病。The job wasn't anywhere near finished.这项工作离结束还远着呢。We inquired at all the hotels in town, but we couldn't find Carol anywhere.我们问了镇上所有的旅馆,还是没有找到卡罗尔。I wasn't anywhere near the house when the window was broken, so you can't hang that on me!窗玻璃被打破的时候我根本就不在房子附近,所以你不能把这个怪到我头上!They produce some of the finest wines made anywhere.在葡萄酒所有的产地当中,他们生产的葡萄酒属于上乘之列。Are we going anywhere particular?咱们可有什么特定的目的地吗?I'll take you anywhere you want to go.我会带你去任何你想去的地方。Use the app to chat and send photos free from anywhere in the world.使用这个应用程序免费在世界任何地方聊天和发送照片。Postings on the Internet can be accessed from anywhere in the world.因特网上的帖子从世界各处都能存取。There was no shelter anywhere and the rain was coming down in torrents.大雨如注,又没有一个可以躲雨的地方。The company hasn't come anywhere near/close to meeting its goals.这家公司尚未接近其既定目标。I can't find it anywhere.我到处找都没找到它。If you want to get anywhere in chess, you have to study the various openings.你要想下好国际象棋,就必须学习各种开局方式。Their relationship doesn't seem to be going anywhere. 他们的关系似乎没有任何进展。I'm so happy here. I couldn't possibly imagine living anywhere else.我在这里很开心,想不出还能住在别的什么地方。The images can be zapped into our homes from anywhere via satellite.图像可以通过卫星从任何地方传送到我们家中。What's happened to Eric? I can't find him anywhere.埃里克怎么了?我在哪也找不到他。They gave her permission to go anywhere she wanted to.他们允许她随处走动。He is thought to be anywhere near achieving the competence to do the job.人们认为他差不多具备了做这件事的能力。 It's a short drive from anywhere in the region.在这个地区,开车去哪儿都很近。 |