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词汇 anything else
例句 Is there anything else you want?你还要些别的什么吗? More than anything else, he wanted to become a teacher.他最想成为一名教师。I don't want anything else.我不要其他任何东西。I'll have to go soon - was there anything else you wanted to talk about?我马上就得走了—你还有别的什么想谈的吗?I forgot to check whether I had anything else to attend to.我忘了检查一下是不是还有什么别的事情要做。Her new book is several notches above anything else she has written.她的新书比她其他的作品又上了好几个台阶。Isn't there anything else to watch? This movie's putting me to sleep.没别的东西好看了吗?这影片简直让我打瞌睡。Seth decided to go home. He couldn't think of anything else to do.塞思决定回家了。他实在想不出有别的事可干。That left little for book purchases or anything else.那样一来,花在买书或其他用途的钱就很少了。Boeing's new plane is faster and more luxurious than anything else they have ever produced.波音公司的新式飞机比他们以前生产的任何飞机都更快、更豪华。I'm very busy. I'm afraid I can't take anything else on at the moment.我很忙,恐怕这阵子不能负责其他事了。I went along to watch the ceremony, more out of curiosity than anything else.我跟着去看了典礼,与其说是为别的,不如说出于好奇。It never entered my head to do anything else.我从未想过要做别的事情。We'll need to do a series of tests before we do anything else.在采取任何行动前我们需要进行一系列的测试。We went to the show out of curiosity more than anything else.我们去看那场演出多半是出于好奇。Once he gets on his hobbyhorse and starts talking about taxes, you can't get him to discuss anything else.一旦他遇到最喜欢的话题谈起税收来,你就别想让他谈别的了。If you can't sell yourself you're not likely to sell anything else.如果你不能推销你自己,你也不可能推销别的东西。He values friendship more than anything else. = He values friendship above all else.他把友谊看得比什么都重要。It means more to me than anything else in the entire/whole universe.这对我来说比世界上任何东西都重要。Your health is more important than anything else.你的健康比什么都重要。Given the size of the task, he won't have time to do anything else.考虑到任务量大,他恐怕无暇顾及其他事情。I don't like it. Apart from anything else, it's too expensive.我不喜欢它。而且,它还太贵了。Once you've tasted luxury it's very hard to settle for anything else.你一旦体验过奢侈的滋味,就很难将就了。Posing for the camera pleased him more than anything else. No doubt with the ulterior object of catching votes.在照相机前摆姿势是最令他高兴的事了,背后的动机无疑是为了拉选票。It's his manner I dislike, more than anything else.我最讨厌的是他的态度。Ryle accepted more out of curiosity than anything else.赖尔主要是出于好奇才同意的。When asked if he wanted anything else, he just shook his head.问他是否要点别的,他只是摇了摇头。It lays over anything else of the kind.它比同类其他东西都好。I'm not buying the children anything else today - I've spent far too much money as it is.今天我不会再给孩子们买任何别的东西了——我花的钱已经太多了。I don't think there is anything else we need discuss tonight.我认为今晚我们不需讨论别的事了。Before we do anything else, we must sit down and make a list.在我们做其他任何事情之前,我们必须先坐下来列出一份清单。The lure of the ermine was stronger for him than anything else.地位的诱惑对于他来说比什么都强烈。Steve really values your friendship more than anything else.史蒂夫真的把你的友谊看得比其他任何东西都重要。I don't want anything else but this.除了这个之外,别的东西我都不要。Let's stop and think before we do anything else.让我们停下来,考虑好再采取行动。Is there anything else that you want to ask?你还有什么问题要问吗?I value her friendship above anything else.我把她的友谊看得比什么都重。The one thing he wanted more than anything else was a glass of cold water.他最需要的是一杯冷水。Steve really values your friendship more than anything else.史蒂夫真的把你的友情看得比其他任何东西都重要。I couldn't think of anything else so I just bought her a soppy card and some flowers.我想不出买什么好,就给她买了张措词造作的贺卡和一些花。




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