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词汇 good money
例句 I paid good money for that tennis racquet and it broke the first time I used it.我花了不少钱买那网球拍,可第一次用它就坏了。Trying to fix that old car would just be throwing good money after bad.试图修理那辆旧车简直就是花冤枉钱。He had paid out good money to educate Julie at a boarding school.为了让朱莉在寄宿学校上学,他花了好多钱。Don't let the children jump around on the sofa. I paid good money for that.不要让孩子们在沙发上跳来跳去,我可是花了大价钱买的。We're not paying good money for shoddy goods.我们是不会花大钱去买劣质商品的。I enjoy the work, and I make good money.我喜欢这份工作,而且收入不菲。We don't know if it's worth throwing good money after bad and taking legal action.我们不知道继续砸钱采取法律行动是否值得。I paid good money for this, and it is already broken.我为这个花了一大笔钱,可它已经坏了。He makes good money as a lawyer. = He makes a good living as a lawyer. 他当律师赚很多钱。You have to pay good money for a pedigree dog.买条纯种狗可得花上一大笔钱。Further heavy intervention would be throwing good money after bad.进一步加大干预的力度只会是继续白扔钱。We paid good money to see this show, and we want our money's worth!我们为了看这场演出付了很多钱,因此我们想要物有所值。What's the point of paying good money for a wedding dress when I'm only going to wear it once?婚纱我只穿一次,花很多钱去买有什么意思呢?I paid good money for those shoes, and you've only worn them twice.买那些鞋子我花了大价钱,而你只穿了两次。He made good money when he worked.他工作时赚了一大笔钱。Milos earns good money as a foreman.迈洛斯做工头收入很高。He's got a position where he is able to knock down good money.他找到了一个可以挣大钱的职位。Dan is making good money now, but for years we really struggled.丹现在挣很多钱,但是有许多年我们过得很艰难。At last he lucked out and made good money.最终他交了好运,赚了很多钱。Further intervention would be throwing good money after bad.进一步的干预只会是继续白扔钱。There was good money in the taxi trade, for a young man who wasn't afraid of graft and hard work.对于一个不怕吃苦的年轻人来说,出租车行业能挣大钱。I hope this watch isn't broken – I paid good money for it.我希望这表没摔坏,我买它可花了一大笔钱。




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