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词汇 good manners
例句 Such people are burlesquing good manners and etiquette.这类人正在嘲讽良好修养和礼节。Grandmother taught us to practice good manners.祖母教导我们要有礼貌。They were insistent on good manners.他们坚持要举止文雅。Money stripped off the veneer of good manners.金钱令他撕去了彬彬有礼的外表。I got into trouble if I didn't show good manners towards / toward other people.如果我对别人不够礼貌,就会给自己惹麻烦。Call me old-fashioned, but I still believe in good manners.算我古板好了,可我还是认为人应该讲究礼数。A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.作为一个懂礼貌的榜样,他已经克制住了内心的所有愤怒情绪。We have tried to instil good manners in our children from an early age.我们尝试在孩子幼小时就培养他们有礼貌。Clarissa was extremely voluble on the subject of good manners.克莱丽莎谈起礼仪这个话题便口若悬河。His good manners predispose people to like him.他彬彬有礼的举止使得人们未经接触就喜欢他。She lays great stress/emphasis on good manners. 她特别注重礼貌。At school they emphasize good manners.在学校他们强调礼貌待人。The old man thought too many people now let good manners go by the board.这老人认为太多的人现在抛弃了礼貌修养。Beneath his tissue-thin veneer of good manners,he was a very vulgar man.剥去他那彬彬有礼的薄层外表,他其实是个很庸俗的人。Those kids could stand a few lessons in good manners.那些孩子应该上一些礼仪课。He inculcates good manners in his children.他谆谆教导他的孩子们要懂规矩。Both boys had good manners, politely shaking hands.这两个男孩都很有礼貌,友好地握了手。Her ruthless ambition was covered by a thin gloss of good manners.她冷酷的野心被表面上的彬彬有礼所掩盖。It's not good manners to stare at people.盯着别人看是不礼貌的。John is the quintessence of good manners.约翰是彬彬有礼的典范。Even if he bores you stiff, it is good manners not to let him know it.即使他让你觉得无聊透顶,出于礼貌你也不能让他知道。The importance of good manners was drummed into us at an early age.我们很小就被反复叮嘱要注重行为举止。She seems to be a little unclear on the concept of good manners. 她似乎有点不懂什么是有礼貌。Young men were once required to be educated in good manners.过去年轻人要接受礼貌方面的训练。My mother was impressed with Tony's good manners.我妈妈对托尼的礼貌举止印象深刻。We all deplored her lack of good manners.我们都叹惜她缺乏好态度。They are constantly trying to hammer good manners into their children.他们一直反复教导子女要有礼貌。It was an object lesson in good manners.这是讲礼貌的样板。It's good manners to arrive on time.不迟到是种好习惯。We teach our children to speak correctly and to have good manners, and when they become teenagers they do exactly the opposite.我们教育孩子要说话得体、有礼貌,但他们十几岁时会做得完全相反。At least she had the good manners to let us know she would be late.至少,她有礼貌,让我们知道她晚些到。You should not disparage good manners.你不应该轻视好的风度。His good manners predispose people to like him.他彬彬有礼的举止使人们尚未接触就喜欢他。His behavior offends the canons of good manners.他的行为冒犯了公认的礼貌规范。




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