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词汇 good at
例句 She's very good at speaking on these issues off-the-cuff.她非常善于就这些问题作即席演说。You don't have to be smart to be good at music – look at Gary.学好音乐并非一定要很聪明 — 你看加里就是了。They sold the goods at a loss.他们亏本出售货物。She's good at palming off her household chores on her little sister.她善于让妹妹帮她干她分内的家务活。If you ask her what she's good at she will dry up after two minutes.如果你问她擅长什么,两分钟后她就没话说了。Robson is particularly good at dealing with people, and should make an excellent manager.罗布森特别擅长跟人打交道,应该能成为一名出色的经理。I've never been much good at cards.我向来都不擅长玩纸牌游戏。Mary was uncommonly good at tennis.玛丽的网球打得非常出色。He is not particularly good at math.他不是特别擅长数学。She's not very good at putting across her ideas.她不太善于表达自己的观点。If you like arguing so much, you should be a lawyer! Seriously, you would be good at it. 如果你那么喜欢辩论,就应该当律师!说实在的,你一定会干得很不错。She's good at talking her way out of trouble.她擅长凭着三寸不烂之舌为自己开脱。She was good at repartee.她善于机智地应答。He decided to try his hand at knitting and discovered he was good at it.他决定尝试一下编织,结果发现自己很擅长。Preston is particularly good at handling temperamental people.普雷斯顿特别擅长对付喜怒无常的人。The other kids were always ragging on me because I wasn't good at sports.因为体育不好,其他孩子总是嘲笑我。I'm no good at losing weight. The trouble is, I've no willpower.我总是减肥不成功,原因就在于我没有毅力。He's not very good at handling personal relationships.他不大善于处理人际关系。The teacher is good at firing up the imagination of his pupils.这位教师很善于激发学生们的想像力。I never thought Clare would be any good at this job, but I've had to eat my words.我从来都没想过克莱尔会干好这工作,可是我不得不承认自己说错了。I'm not very good at painting.我不太擅长绘画。The retailer resells the goods at a higher price.零售商以高于进货的价格转卖商品。Morale is quite good at the moment.目前的精神面貌相当不错。Rosy had a warm easy-going personality, so she was good at tolerating other people's ways and opinions.罗茜性格温柔可亲,所以她很会容忍别人的行为和想法。I'm not very good at flirting or chasing women.我不太会和女人调情,也不善于追求女人。When she was at school she was good at art.她上学时很擅长艺术。He's very good at spelling. = His spelling is very good. 他拼写能力很好。The shop offers a large selection of leather goods at reasonable prices.这家商店出售的皮革制品种类繁多,价格公道。Waitress are good at loading checks.侍者给账单提价很在行。I'm not very good at drawing.我不善于画画。He's not very good at sharing his worries.他不善于向别人倾诉自己的烦恼。Although I say it myself, I think I'm rather good at this.虽然我不想自吹,但我认为我很擅长这种事。I was only average academically, but was good at sports.我学业水平一般,但擅长体育。I was no good at art-I have a very poor visual imagination.我对艺术一无所长 - 我的视觉想象力很差。He was popular because he was good at ball games.他因擅长各种球类运动而受人欢迎。Kate is not good at history, but when it comes to chemistry she's the best in the class.凯特对历史不擅长,但一谈到化学她则是班里最好的。You're frightfully good at this sort of thing.你做这种事特别拿手。He's not much good at golf. 他不擅长打高尔夫球。He's good at ferreting out the facts.他善于查找出事实真相。He's not very good at managing people.他不是很善于领导别人。




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