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词汇 any day
例句 Sushi? Give me roast beef any day.寿司?我宁可要烤牛肉。We're expecting a phone call from him any day now. 我们期待他近期打电话给我们。I've never had anything barbecued and I don't want it. Give me a good roast dinner any day.我还从未吃过烧烤,也不想吃,我宁愿哪一天美美地吃一顿烘烤大餐。I am a better chess player than he is any day of the week.我的棋艺怎么说也比他高明。The volcano is due to erupt any day.火山任何一天都可能爆发。My schedule is flexible - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.我的时间安排很灵活——下周任何一天我都可以安排与你见面。We are looking for George to arrive any day now.我们在期待着乔治,他说不定哪天就到。We were hanging on for dear life. We were expecting to be closed down any day.我们正拼命地坚持着。我们估计随时有可能会关门大吉。His ship was due back from the Pacific any day now.他的船将在这几天从太平洋返航。I could come any day but Thursday.除了星期四,我哪天都能来。The situation is becoming very tense. It is bound to blow any day now.局势变得非常紧张,这些天随时都会出事。I'm expecting the package any day now.我想包裹很快就会到。We can meet any day but Monday.除了星期一,哪天见面都行。The letter should be with you any day now.你这几天应该能收到信。We were expecting him home again any day now.我们期盼着他某一天再回家。I can come and see you any day but Tuesday.除了星期二,我哪天都能来看你。The restaurant's so-called specials can be ordered any day of the week.这家餐馆所谓的特价菜在一周任何一天都可以点。I'd gladly swap places with mummy any day.什么时候让我和妈妈交换角色我都愿意。The baby's due any day now.就这几天婴儿就要出生了。




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