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词汇 a bunch of
例句 He says the people he works with are a bunch of half-wits.他说与他一起工作的人都是一群笨蛋。Has anyone seen a bunch of keys?有人看见一串钥匙吗?They're just a bunch of kids.他们不过是一群孩子。He dismissed his critics as a bunch of yokels.他说他的批评者们是一群土包子,拒绝听取他们的意见。The public thinks we're a bunch of gutless wonders.公众以为我们是一帮完全没有骨气的人。They're just a bunch of snobs - you wouldn't want to be friends with them anyway.他们就是一群势利鬼—你反正不会想同他们交朋友的。He says the school's directors are a bunch of old fossils. 他说学校的主管是一帮思想僵化的老顽固。She sent him a bunch of red roses.她送了他一束红玫瑰。He thinks politicians are just a bunch of snake oil salesmen. 他认为政治家不过就是一群万灵药的推销员。You English are a bunch of amateurs when it comes to romance.谈情说爱你们英国人就外行了。He dismisses his critics as a bunch of politically correct do-gooders.他对那些评论他的人不屑一顾,认为他们都是一些打着官腔的无用之徒。These politicians are just a bunch of crooks.这些政客不过是一帮骗子。You're all behaving like a bunch of animals.你们的行为简直和一群畜生没什么两样。The new legislators are a bunch of worthless politicos.新的立法委员们是一群毫无用处的政客。They're just a bunch of leeches cadging off others!他们只不过是一帮伸手向人要这要那的寄生虫!They looked like a bunch of deadbeats, but they actually worked well together as a team.他们看起来像一群懒虫,但实际上组队工作表现良好。They think we're just a bunch of girlies who don't know what we're doing.他们认为我们不过是一群不知道自己在做什么的小丫头。The people I work with are a bunch of slackers.与我一起共事的人是群懒鬼。Someone had placed a bunch of freshly cut roses on her desk.有人在她桌上放了一束刚刚剪下的玫瑰。He dismissed all scientists as a bunch of eggheads.他把所有科学家当成一群书呆子。I've found a bunch of keys, but I don't know whose they are.我发现了一串钥匙,但不知道是谁的。They're a bunch of ruffians.他们是一群流氓。They say they're a moral, religious regime, but in fact they're nothing but a bunch of bullies and thugs.他们自称是一个有道德的宗教政权,但事实上他们不过是一群欺压百姓的暴徒。The company is run by a bunch of dullards.这家公司由一帮蠢材经营着。He said that the protesters were just a bunch of hell-raisers.他说那些抗议者只不过是一群捣蛋鬼。His friends are just a bunch of deadbeats.他的朋友就是一群游手好闲的人。He thinks everything politicians say is just a bunch of malarkey.他认为政客们说的都是些废话。Jack bunched his girlfriend a bunch of flowers.杰克向他的女友赠送了一束花。Everything he says is just a bunch of crapola.他说的话全是胡扯。Willy's band is playing tonight, and I invited a bunch of people to come along威利的乐队今晚要演出,我请了一群人来捧场。She traded three apples for a bunch of bananas.她用三颗苹果换得一串香蕉。I went to a bunch of different stores but I couldn't find a coat I liked.我去了许多不同的商店,但还是没有买到我喜欢的外套。We asked for a clear and honest answer, but all we got was a bunch of meaningless double-talk.我们需要一个明确而诚恳的回答,但得到的却是一堆没意义的空话。They were, in fine, as desperate a bunch of cutthroats as ever sailed the seven seas.一言以蔽之,他们就像曾纵横七大洋的亡命之徒一样胆大妄为。We'll never win with a bunch of cream puffs on our team!就凭这么一帮懦夫,我们队永远也别想赢!Let's show them what a bunch of amateurs they are.让我们展示给他们看看,他们是怎样的一群外行。If anyone has found a bunch of keys, would they please leave them on my desk.若有人拾到一串钥匙,请放在我桌上。She thinks we're a bunch of namby-pamby liberals.她很可能认为我们是一帮软弱的自由主义者。We did a bunch of songs together.我们一起唱了很多首歌。They treated us as if we were a bunch of rubes.他们把我们当成一群乡巴佬那样对待。




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