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词汇 go back to
例句 My family goes back to the 18th century.我的家史可追溯至18世纪。Is there any particular reason why you want to go back to Japan?你想回日本去有什么特别的原因吗?If I wake up in the night, it takes me ages to go back to sleep.我如果夜里醒来,就要很长时间才能再入睡。The friendly contacts between the two countries go back to the Tang Dynasty.这两个国家间的友好交往可以追溯到唐代。It's time to go back to work.是时候回去工作了。They were determined to go back to the land of their forefathers.他们决意回到祖先的土地上。Tell you what, let's go back to the camp.我说啊,咱们回营地吧。I'd like to go back to the point that was made earlier.我想回到前面讲过的一点。But having had a taste of the big time, he won't want to go back to playing in the reserves.但是,有过一举成名的经历以后,他就不会再想回去当替补了。It's a weird feeling to go back to a place that you lived in a long time ago.回到很久以前住过的地方,有一种奇怪的感觉。Now that he's feeling better, he can go back to work.既然他感觉好些了,那么他可以回去工作了。He has decided to go back to Cambridge to continue his medical studies.他已决定重回剑桥,继续学医。He decided to go back to college and make something of himself. 他决定重返大学,干出个样儿来。Her parents threatened to disown her if she didn't go back to school.她父母威胁说如果她不返校继续读书就与她断绝关系。Rationally, he knows that she won't go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.理智上他知道她不会再回到他身边,但在感情上他无法接受。I'd like to go back to your earlier comment. 我想回顾你之前的评论。Many phrases in the language go back to early religious writings.这种语言中的许多短语可追溯至早期的宗教文献。His parents kept prodding him to go back to school.他的父母不断催促他回到学校。They ought to get off their butts and go back to work.他们应该站起来回去干活。A lot of the money that you pay at the cinema goes back to the film distributors.你在电影院消费的一大部分钱都会回到电影发行商手里。Don't try to go back to work before you are physically strong enough.在身体完全恢复之前,不要急着回去工作。You need to get your priorities straight and go back to school. 你要知道现在最重要的事就是回到学校。My fear of the dentist goes back to when I was a child.我对牙医的恐惧感可追溯到童年期。His idea didn't work, so he had to go back to square one. 他的主意行不通,只好重新开始。They agreed to go back to the negotiating table.他们同意回到谈判桌上。My family gave me very little support when I decided to go back to college.我决定重返校园,可是我的家人不是很支持。Their friendship goes back to when they were at school together.他们的友谊可追溯到学生时代。We'll have to abort the plan and go back to the drawing board.我们将不得不放弃计划,从头再来。Let's go back to his after the show.演出结束后我们回他家去吧。I wouldn't go back to that job for all the tea in China!我无论如何不会回去干那个工作了! His family goes back to the 18th century.他的家族可追溯至十八世纪。She was told to go back to the doctor in two weeks if she hadn't improved.她被告知如果两周内没有好转,就要再去看医生。The town's history goes back to colonial times.这座小镇的历史可以上溯到殖民地时代。If he can't get work as an actor, he can always go back to being an electrician.要是他当不成演员,总还可以回去干电工。The best way to keep babies off sugar is to go back to the natural diet and eat lots of fresh fruit.避免婴儿摄入食糖的最好办法是让其回归自然的饮食,多吃新鲜水果。She should be well enough to go back to work on Wednesday.她星期三就会好得差不多,可以回去工作了。Our friendship goes back to our freshman year in college.我们的友谊要追溯到上大学一年级的时候。Can we go back to the question that Helena posed earlier?我们能否回到海伦娜早先提出的那个问题上去?The weeks sped by and soon it was time to go back to school.几个星期转眼过去,很快又到了开学的时候。Finally, I'd like to go back to the point I made at the beginning of the lecture.最后,我想继续谈谈讲座开始时我提出的那个观点。




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