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词汇 goals
例句 Opponents claim that the humanitarian goals of the project are just a fig leaf, and that its real purpose is to make money.反对者声称,这个项目的人道主义目标只是一块遮羞布而已,其真实目的就是赚钱。Failing to achieve your goals, even only by a small margin, is not good for self-esteem.没有实现自己的目标,哪怕是只差一步,也会伤害自尊心。Increasingly, their goals have become more radical.他们的目标变得越来越激进。Thomson's knack of scoring vital goals makes him important to the team.汤姆森能够打入关键球的本领使他在队中具有举足轻重的地位。He shot two goals in the game.在比赛中,他进了两个球。The students’ goals in the protest seem so reasonable that the university is setting up a committee to consider them.这次抗议活动中学生提出的要求很合情合理,因此大学成立了一个委员会加以考虑。England were two goals behind at the interval.中场休息时英格兰队落后两球。In planning for the project, you should include a list of goals and a timetable for achieving those goals.在制订项目计划时,你要列出各项目标和预计实现这些目标的时间表。The first three Oldham goals came from set-pieces.奥尔德姆队的头三个进球都是按着既定套路踢进的。But all democratic systems strive towards the same goals.但是所有的民主政体都朝着同样的目标奋斗。She's known for using unorthodox methods to achieve her goals.尽人皆知,她为了达到个人目的会使用非常规手段。Spurs got two goals in the last five minutes of the game.热刺队在比赛的最后五分钟里进了两球。His actions are completely out of sync with our goals.他的所作所为和我们的目标背道而驰。The underdog team scored two surprise goals first.这支弱队出人意料地先进两球。The lads loved it after the goals – they really roughed their hair up.小伙子们喜欢在进球后把头发揉乱。We may reexamine our goals or our methods for attaining our goals.我们可能会重新审视我们的目标或我们实现目标的方法。Butterworth had a blinder, scoring four goals.巴特沃思表现精彩,踢进了4个球。As long as you keep grinding, you're going to get your goals.只要你坚持苦干,就一定能达到目标。When it is achieved, there will be other goals for us to shoot at.这事做成后,还将有别的目标要我们去争取。We celebrated the accomplishment of all our goals.我们为完成了所有的目标而庆祝。Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals.经济繁荣昌盛一直是各国普遍追求的共同目标。I think we might've had different goals.我想我们可能目标不同。The board has set out its goals/plans/proposals for the coming year.董事会阐述了下一年的目标/计划/建议。Their goals for the project conflict. 他们在项目目标上产生了分歧。No goals were scored in the first half but Spurs romped home in the second, scoring four.上半场没有入球,但下半场热刺队进了四球,轻易获胜。Your career goals are quite closely aligned with your current role.你的职业目标与你现在的职位相当一致。One of the main goals of marketing is name recognition.市场营销的主要目标之一就是建立知名度。They demoralized the other team by scoring three goals in a row.他们一连攻进了三个球,击垮了对方球队的士气。Setting goals should help see you through.确定好目标能帮助你渡过难关。He had achieved all his goals for the organization, and felt there were no challenges left there for him.他为这个机构实现了自己所有的目标,觉得那里已再没有什么挑战了。Juventus managed two goals in the last ten minutes.在最后十分钟尤文图斯队成功地进了两个球。At half-time, United were leading with two opportunistic goals by Black.上半场结束时,联队因布莱克打进两个机会球而领先。The Foundation's goals include providing scholarships for gifted young students.该基金会的目标包括为有才华的年轻学子提供奖学金。One must apply oneself to the present and keep one's eyes firmly fixed on one's future goals.人们必须立足现在,目光锁定未来目标。She is ruthless in pursuing her goals.她为了达到目的不择手段。We must ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable.我们切不可给自己定下一些无法实现的目标。Let's establish some achievable goals first.让我们先订下一些可达到的目标。He is an amoral, selfish person pursuing his own goals.他是个不讲道德、自私自利、只顾追求自己目标的人。New goals are not always consistent with the existing policies.新目标并不总是与现行政策一致。His goals have earned him a place in the club's first team.他的进球为他在俱乐部的首发阵容中赢得了一席之地。




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