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词汇 glaze over
例句 When you start talking about important political issues, most people's eyes glaze over.一谈起重大政治话题,大多数人都会变得目光呆滞。I didn't understand why his eyes started to glaze over at the mention of Chomsky.我不了解为什么一提到乔姆斯基的名字他的两眼变得呆滞无神。His eyes glazed over as the speech droned on.演讲枯燥乏味,他的眼睛变得呆滞起来。His eyes glazed over as they started to talk about politics.他们开始谈论政治的时候,他的目光呆滞起来。The singer's eyes glazed over and she fell back unconscious.女歌手的眼睛变得呆滞无神,接着身体便往后倒下不省人事。Sometimes his eyes would glaze over for a second or two.有时候他会两眼发直,持续一两秒钟。Among the audience, eyes glazed over and a few heads started to nod.听众目光变得呆滞无神,一些人则开始打盹。Brush the glaze over the top and sides of the hot cake.在热蛋糕的顶上和周围刷上一层蛋浆。Her eyes glazed over when I said I worked in dictionaries.我说我做词典工作,她目光顿变呆滞。




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