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词汇 glance up
例句 Every few minutes he glanced up from his work.每过几分钟他就停下手头的工作抬起头来看一眼。At that moment she happened to glance up.那时她碰巧抬头瞥了一眼。She glanced up at the dark clouds above the cliffs.她抬头看了一眼悬崖上方的乌云。Prajapat glanced up with a preoccupied smile, then went back to the map.普拉贾帕特抬起头看了一眼,笑容里满是心事,接着又看起地图来。Lynn glanced up from the book she was reading.林恩把视线从正在看的书上移开,抬头瞥了一眼。I glanced up to see Guido watching me from the window.我一抬头,正瞧见吉多从窗子里看着我。She glanced up at him.她抬头瞥了他一眼。She glanced up from her book when he entered the room.他走进屋时,正在看书的她抬头看了一眼。Andy glanced up from his newspaper.安迪停下读报,抬起头来看了一眼。When Peter came in, she glanced up, trying to appear nonchalant.彼得进来时她扫了一眼,装出若无其事的样子。His colleagues didn't even glance up as he left.同事们在他离开时甚至都不抬头看一眼。




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