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Scientists continue to measure the slow retreat of the glacier.科学家们继续测量冰川缓慢消退的情况。The ice masses coalesced into a glacier over time.冰块经年累月集聚成冰川。The best bit was walking along the glacier.最好的部分就是沿着冰川走。A large glacier steepened the side of the mountain.一大块冰川使得山坡更陡了。The glacier dislocated great stones.冰川移动了大石块。The glacier had continued its inexorable march down the valley.冰河沿山谷继续前进,势不可挡。Geologists took samples from the terminus of the glacier.地质学家从冰川的末端提取样本。The glacier provides skiers with year-round snow cover.冰川让滑雪者一年四季都能享受积雪。The climbers made a dangerous traverse across the glacier.登山者冒着危险穿过冰川。 |