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词汇 giving in
例句 Critics accused the government of giving in to pressure from the tobacco companies.批评者指责政府屈服于烟草公司的压力。The government cannot be seen as giving in to terrorists' demands.政府是不会让步答应恐怖分子的要求的。By giving in to the terrorists' demands, the government will simply be making a rod for its own back.政府要是屈从于恐怖分子的要求就只会惹火烧身。Rather than giving in and losing face, she carried on her needless quarrel with her father.她不想作出让步失掉面子,就继续无谓地和父亲吵下去。He couldn't explain his weakness in giving in to her demands.他说不清楚自己为什么那么懦弱,屈从了她的要求。




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