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词汇 give me
例句 Could you give me a couple of days' grace to pay the rent?你能再给我几天付租金的宽限时间吗?Why can't you give me a truthful answer?你为什么不老老实实回答我的问题?My aunt threatened to give me a walloping!我阿姨威胁说要痛打我一顿!This is delicious-can you give me the recipe?这真好吃,你能不能告诉我怎么做?You'd better give me the lowdown on all the candidates.你最好告诉我所有这些候选人的真实情况。You give me your reasons for refusing.你向我讲明你拒绝的理由。I thought Dad might give me a loan to set me up in business again.我想爸爸也许会借点钱给我再创业。I'm coming, just give me a minute. 我马上就来,稍等一下。Having a good diet gives me a sense that I'm doing something positive and that I'm in control.合理的膳食让我感受自己所做的很有意义并且能够安排好自己的生活。Next time you have the till open, could you give me some change?下次打开收银机时,你给我些零钱好吗?Just thinking about flying gives me the shivers.一想到要坐飞机我就不寒而栗。He tried his best to get you to give me the chuck.他想方设法要你辞退我。Just give me an answer and stop evading the question!直截了当地回答我,不要再回避问题!Please give me your undivided/full/complete attention. 请把注意力完全放在我这里。Will you please give me a line on his work?请你告诉我一点他的工作情况好吗?Can you give me a cast-iron guarantee that the work will be completed on time?你能向我确保按时完成那项工作吗?Just give me the facts.告诉我真相吧。Stop being so bloody-minded and give me a hand here!别再跟我过不去了!来帮我一把!Hearing noises at night gives me the willies. 夜里听到响声让我心惊肉跳。What would you give me in exchange for my recorder?我给你我的录音机,那你给我什么作为交换呢? Winning an award would give me a great sense of achievement.得奖会给我很大的成就感。The boss used to give me all the hard tasks.老板过去总把所有艰巨的任务都交给我。Can you give me more details about the cost of these courses, please?你能更具体地告诉我这些课程的费用吗What will you give me in exchange?你给我什么作为交换呢? Could you back your car a little to give me some room?你能把车往后倒一点给我腾出点地方吗?I know for a fact you weren't sick yesterday, so don't give me that line.我肯定你昨天没有生病,所以别跟我来这一套。Can you give me a lift to the station?你能让我搭便车到车站吗? It gives me great pleasure to welcome the delegation.我很高兴能迎接代表团的到来。Red wine gives me a headache.我喝红葡萄酒会头疼。Don't give me that bunk, I've heard it all before.别跟我讲那种废话,我以前全听见过了。Can you give me directions to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗 ?Can you give me a couple more examples?可以再给我举几个例子吗?The salesman tried to give me the bum's rush.推销员企图催我快把货物买下。Can you give me a lift into town?你能让我搭便车去市中心吗?Don't give me that old line.别给我找那种老一套的借口。The bank wouldn't give me a loan because they said I had a bad credit rating.银行不愿意贷款给我,因为他们说我信用等级差。This soup is really good - you must give me the recipe.这汤好极了,你一定要把食谱给我。She gives me this creepy feeling.她给了我这种毛骨悚然的感觉。You have no right to give me orders.你没有权利对我下命令。Oh, don't say that, it gives me gooseflesh.哎哟,别说那个,那会使我毛骨悚然。




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