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词汇 girded
例句 David girded up his loins and went out to meet the giant Goliath.大卫准备就绪,出去与巨人歌利亚交战。He girded himself with an amulet and a short stabbing spear.他给自己佩上护身符和一把短矛。The climber girded himself with a rope.登山者用绳子束住自己的腰部。A scene was played in the baths, with all the men girded in towels and shrouded in steam.有一场戏在澡堂里上演,所有男人都裹着毛巾被蒸汽笼罩其中。The region is girded by craggy cliffs and rocks.这个地带四周都是峭壁和岩石。They were girded with maces and curved swords.他们手执权杖,身佩弯刀。She would have to look him in the eye, but she wasn't yet ready; wasn't calm, wasn't girded.她将不得不正视他,但是她还没有准备好;她既不镇静,又没做好应对之策。




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