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词汇 gifts
例句 They followed the Greek convention of pinning gifts of money to the bride's dress.他们遵循希腊习俗,把钱作为礼物别在新娘的礼服上。There had been gifts of money but never payments for sexual favours.有人赠送过钱,但绝没有情色交易。Maggie carefully unpacked the gifts she had bought.玛吉小心翼翼地打开她买的礼物。I suggest he simply gifts the flat to his daughter.我建议他直接把公寓赠送给他女儿得了。He is considering making restitution for the gifts he received from subordinates.他正在考虑对收自下属的礼品作出报偿。The princess plans to hand out gifts at a children's hospital tomorrow.王妃计划明天到一家儿童医院去分发礼物。If you make regular gifts through a covenant, we can reclaim the income tax you have already paid on this money.如果你通过盖印契约定期捐款,我们可以要求返还这笔钱上你已经缴纳的所得税。You can scan the children's drawings in and use them to make cards and gifts.你可以把孩子的画扫描进电脑,用来制作卡片或礼物。She was lavished with gifts from adoring fans the world over.她收到了世界各地崇拜者寄来的大批礼物。They gave each other gifts at Christmas.圣诞节时他们互赠礼物。The shop sells gifts and other novelties.这家店出售礼物和其他新奇玩意。Fine arts allowed him to release his natural gifts.美术使他得以发挥自己的天赋才能。They arrived bearing gifts.他们带着礼物来了。We exchange gifts at the holidays.我们过节时互换礼物。They lavished us with gifts.他们给了我们很多礼物。He's always dishing out money and gifts to his grandchildren.他总是给孙辈们钱和礼物。He arrived home bearing gifts for everyone.他回家时给每个人都带了礼物。People scarfed up the free gifts.人们把赠品一抢而空。Making quick decisions is not one of my greatest gifts.快速决断并不是我的长项。Pamper yourself with our luxury gifts.用我们的精美礼物宠爱一下自己吧。The wedding guests arrived, bearing gifts.参加婚礼的宾客带着礼物到来。She hid the gifts under the bed.她把礼物藏在床下。Many companies have donated gifts in kind.许多公司以货代款捐赠了礼物。He was lavish with gifts for his wife.他给妻子买礼物十分大方。Could you pass on my thanks for all these lovely gifts?收到了这许多漂亮的礼物我很感谢,你能替我转达一声吗?The government has banned public officials from accepting gifts from foreigners.政府禁止公务员接受外国人的礼物。He rained gifts on his future bride.他给未来的新娘大批礼物。Trudi was treated as a special guest and was showered with gifts everywhere she went.特鲁迪被视为贵宾,每到一地都有人向她赠送大量礼物。They lavished gifts on us. 他们给了我们很多礼物。He kept sending gifts and assured her that they were merely small tokens of his appreciation…他不断送她礼物,并向她保证说这些只是为了略表谢意。Pot plants are increasingly favoured as gifts by guests.客人们越来越喜欢把盆栽植物作为礼物。Thousands of well-wishers sent gifts and letters after the baby's surgery.婴儿手术后成千上万的人寄来了礼物和信件,表示良好的祝愿。He is a man of gifts.他是个多才多艺的人。Unwanted gifts were exchanged for more desirable ones.人们把不想要的礼品换成了自己喜欢的东西。His intellectual gifts were so great that he was allowed to travel throughout the continent perfecting his skills as a linguist.他的才智非常出众,因此被允许遍游整个大陆以完善他的多种语言能力。She has got lots of birthday gifts.她得到了许多生日礼物。It was a Christmas when shoppers passed by expensive silks in favor of more practical gifts.这是一个购物者不理会昂贵的丝绸衣服而热衷于更实用礼物的圣诞节。The car was loaded to the gunwales with gifts.车上塞满了礼物。We exchange gifts at Christmas.我们在圣诞节时交换礼物。I want to thank both of you again for your beautiful shower gifts.我想再次感谢你们俩在送礼会上给我那么漂亮的礼物。




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