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词汇 absurd
例句 The story includes a number of absurd improbabilities. 这个故事中有许多不大可能发生的荒唐事。It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.这只是被冠冕堂皇地称作英国司法的法律体系中荒唐的法律规定之一。It's absurd to think Porter flew into a murderous rage just because he had an argument with his girlfriend.认为波特跟女朋友吵了一架就动了杀机,这也太荒唐了。The absurd story made her giggle.那个荒谬的故事使她咯咯地笑了起来。Humans still hold on to the absurd notion that we are the only intelligent beings in the Universe.人类至今还死抱住那个荒唐的观念不放,即我们是宇宙中唯一有智慧的生物。Some of these criticisms border on the absurd.这些批评中有的近于荒谬。She found the whole concept faintly absurd.她觉得整个观念有点儿滑稽可笑。The trial was from the beginning like a species of absurd theatre.这场审判打一开始就像一出某种类型的荒诞派戏剧。The play doesn't dabble in the absurd.这出戏并不带荒诞派色彩。I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths, just to avoid paying me a few pounds.我知道我的一些客户就为了少付我几英镑,可谓无所不用其极。The claims are absurd and they are just lying.这些说法太荒唐了,他们满嘴胡言。His idea is absurd.他的想法是愚蠢可笑的。She makes the most absurd claims about her past achievements.她所声称的自己以往的成就荒唐之极。I just managed to stifle a giggle at the absurd idea.听到这个荒谬的想法,我强忍着没让自己笑出来。He had a sharp eye for the absurd.他对于荒诞不经的事一眼即明。She has a keen sense of the absurd.她对荒诞事物有敏锐的识别能力。This is patently absurd.这显然荒唐透顶。The charges against him are obviously/patently absurd.针对他的指控显然很荒谬。Jenkins’ explanation of the situation is patently absurd.詹金斯对这件事的解释显然很荒谬。Parkinson had a sharp eye for the absurd.帕金森对于荒诞不经的事一眼即明。It is patently absurd for ministers to say that.部长说出这样的话显然荒唐。Don't be absurd – you're just worrying about nothing.别犯傻了,你不过是在瞎操心。Do I look absurd in this hat?我戴这顶帽子是不是很滑稽?The free discussion is carried to even more absurd lengths.自由讨论往往钻到更加荒谬的牛角尖去。This patently absurd argument is often used by anti-gay groups.这个荒谬透顶的观点经常为反同性恋团体所用。His speech was tedious, also absurd.他的讲话既冗长乏味,又荒谬绝伦。Some of the stories he tells verge on the absurd.他说的有些故事近乎荒诞。Don't be so absurd! Of course I want you to come.别犯傻!我当然想让你来。It can be done without following some absurd, off-the-wall investment strategy.不用遵照那套荒唐古怪的投资策略也可以做到。That's a frankly absurd suggestion.坦率地讲,那个建议简直是荒唐。She has a wonderfully absurd sense of humour.她极具荒诞派的幽默感。His remarks were palpably absurd.他的言论显然荒谬可笑。She wore dark glasses in an absurd attempt at disguise.她为了伪装就可笑地戴了一副墨镜。The absurd trial is a sendup of the Dublin courts.那荒谬的审判是对都柏林法院讽刺性的模仿。It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.讨论针对教师的强制裁员政策真是滑稽可笑。I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths to avoid paying me a few pounds.我知道有的客户想尽办法不付我几英镑,简直到了可笑的地步。His sense of the absurd kept him from becoming too solemn.他的荒诞感使他不会过于严肃。It's an absurd situation - neither of them will talk to the other.这情形真是让人哭笑不得——他们谁也不理睬谁。Her ideas once seemed reasonable, but now they verge on the absurd.她的想法曾经一度似乎还很合理,现在看来却近乎荒谬了。I am unfriendly to the whole idea of psychedelia and the very notion of a chemical paradise seems absurd.我对同迷幻世界有关的一切都反感,这种用化学药物来创造天堂的想法本身就显得荒诞不经。




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