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词汇 get away from
例句 Yosemite is a great place to get away from it all.约塞米蒂是一个逍遥度假的好地方。She was very anxious to get away from cities and back to nature.她特别渴望离开城市,回归自然。We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.为了避开人群,我们向另一片海滩走去。It felt good to get away from the city and breathe in some pure mountain air.远离城市,呼吸山区清新的空气令人感到愉快。She wanted to get away from the traditional ideas of what theatre is about.她想摆脱传统的戏剧观念。They go south every winter to get away from the cold.他们每年冬天都到南方去躲避严寒。The sooner we get away from this blankety-blank madhouse the better.我们越早离开这个该死的吵闹混乱的地方越好。Spain was a country aching to get away from its past.西班牙是一个渴望摆脱其过去的国家。She'd gladly have gone anywhere to get away from the cottage.只要能离开那个小屋,去哪儿她都乐意。The whole point was to get away from a Christian-centred view of religion.其主旨就是要抛开以基督教为中心的宗教观。We need to get away from generalities and focus on the issues.我们不要再泛泛空谈,要把注意力放在议题上面。They were running for dear life to get away from the vicious dogs.他们拼命跑,想甩掉那几只恶狗。But Spain was a country aching to get away from its past.但西班牙是一个渴望摆脱以往形象的国家。She feels penned in by her life. She can never get away from the kitchen stove or the children.她感到自己被生活局限在一个小圈子里,她永远无法摆脱灶台和孩子。They managed to get away from the coast undetected.他们设法神不知鬼不觉地离开了海岸。We want to get away from this idea that in a divorce one partner has to be blamed.我们想摆脱这种认为离婚的夫妻双方必有一方犯有过错的观念。Thousands of people have already left the capital in order to get away from the fighting.成千上万的人已经逃离首都躲避战争。You can't get away from the facts. = There's no getting away from the facts. 你无法否认这些事实。He was unable to get away from his follower.他无法摆脱跟踪者。His doctors conferred by telephone and agreed that he must get away from his family for a time.为他治病的医生们经过电话商讨,一致认为他必须离开他的家人一段时间。One main idea possessed her; she must get away from home.她只有一个想法;她一定要离家出走。I'm just trying to get away from that man. He keeps pestering me.我只是想躲开那个男人。他老是缠着我。What a relief to finally get away from the office.终于能离开办公室真让人松了一口气。Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.一些年轻人试图逃避义务征兵。We want to get away from the politics of class confrontation.我们想摆脱那种阶级对抗的政治主张。People want to get away from the drudgery of their everyday lives.人们想摆脱日常生活中单调乏味的工作。Now he was dead,and I could not get away from my sadness.他死了,我无法摆脱悲伤。Follow that car and don't let it get away from you.跟上那辆车,别让它跑了。Delia managed to get away from the man and ran off screaming.迪莉娅设法挣脱了那人,尖叫着逃走了。We went on a cruise to get away from it all.我们登上游轮出去彻底放松了一下。I needed to get away from the pressures of work.我需要排遣工作的压力。You can't get away from the fact that the cost of living is always rising.你不能否认生活费用总是在上涨这个事实。I like to get away from London at the weekend.我喜欢周末抽身外出,不呆在伦敦。You need to get away from it all for a couple of weeks.你需要轻松休假几个星期。Sometimes, you need to get away from the same old routine and the same old faces.有时候,你需要摆脱一下刻板的生活,离开那些熟悉的面孔。We want to get away from the politics of outdated dogmatism and class confrontation.我们想摒弃过时的教条主义和阶级对抗的政治观点。




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