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词汇 gentle
例句 She gave her lip a gentle bite.她轻轻咬了一下嘴唇。The gentle wind fanned her from all sides.和风从四面吹拂着她。He's a gentle man who's not easily angered.他是个绅士,不轻易动怒。Try a few gentle exercises once or twice a day.做一些轻松的运动,每天一到两次。She is a gentle, funny, amiable person.她是个温柔、有趣、和蔼可亲的人。I had to use a little gentle persuasion to get her to agree.我不得不温和地劝了她一会儿她才同意。It's a delicate problem that requires gentle handling/treatment.这是个微妙的问题,需要小心处理。Do some gentle exercises to relieve the stresses and strains of your day.做一些轻柔的运动来消除一天的压力和紧张。Her hair framed her face in a gentle oval.她的头发勾勒出一张优美的鹅蛋脸。Her gentle manner was comforting.她和蔼的态度使人感到安慰。Apply gentle pressure to the area.向这个地方轻轻按压。Put in the chicken breasts and cover the pan, letting the gentle heat warm them.鸡胸肉放入煎锅,盖好盖子,文火加热。He was a man gentle in manner but firm in action.他是一个举止文雅但行动坚决的人。The beach stretched away before them in a gentle curve.沙滩在他们面前徐缓蜿蜒伸向远方。She gave him a gentle reminder that payment was due.她和婉地提醒他该付款了。A gentle breeze stirred the curtains.一阵微风吹动了窗帘。I felt a gentle push from behind.我觉得后面有人轻轻推了一下。It's hard to equate this gentle woman with the monster portrayed in the newspapers.很难将这个文雅的女子与报纸上描述的魔鬼画等号。There was a gentle musicality in her voice.她的声音轻柔悦耳。My mother had a gentle, soothing voice.母亲的嗓音轻柔,令人感觉平静。This call is by way of being a gentle warning.这个电话算是一个小小的警告。There is a gentle slope down to the river.一片平缓的斜坡延伸到河边。He was a really special person, gentle and amusing at the same time.他是个很特别的人,既温文尔雅同时又妙趣横生。A gentle breeze was blowing against my face.微风拂面。She was very gentle with the children.她对孩子们很温柔。A gentle breeze wafted the scent of roses in through the open window.一阵微风将玫瑰的香味从敞开的窗子里送了进来。She's as gentle as a lamb.她像小羊一样温顺。He's very gentle with his kids.他对孩子们很温和。My son was a quiet and gentle man who liked sports and enjoyed life.我儿子性格沉静温和,喜欢运动,热爱生活。His voice was deep but gentle, almost sensuous.他的声音低沉而温柔,几乎可以说是性感。A gentle breeze ruffled her hair.微风吹拂她的头发。He gave the handle a gentle tug.他轻轻地拉了一下把手。He gave the boy's nose a gentle tweak.他轻轻地捏了一下男孩的鼻子。Her voice has a gentle softness.她的嗓音温婉柔和。Acupuncture treatment is gentle, painless, and relaxing.针灸疗法温和无痛而且让人放松。The whole concept of being gentle with anyone is foreign to him.他根本就没有温和待人这一概念。He is a gentle person.他是个温和的人。Heat the oil in a pan and cook the onion over a gentle heat.在平底锅中将油烧热,洋葱要用文火炒。His mouth looked deceptively gentle.他说话时看起来装得很温柔。She just needed a gentle push to get her to join in.只要稍加劝说,就能让她加入。




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