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词汇 generations
例句 By our actions today, we can improve the quality of life for future generations.我们可以通过我们今天的行动,来提高我们子孙后代的生活质量。By not dealing with the problem of radioactive waste, we are putting the lives of future generations at risk.我们不处理放射性废弃物的问题,就等于把子孙后代的生命置于险境而不顾。We need to protect the countryside for future generations.我们要为子孙后代保护好乡村。We need to preserve these resources for future generations.我们需要为子孙后代保护好这些资源。The war cost millions of lives and decimated three generations.战争使数百万人丧生,毁了整整三代人。For generations, scientists and science-fiction writers talked about the similarity of Mars to Earth.一代代的科学家和科幻小说作家都讲到了火星与地球的相似之处。For several generations the Majorcan mountains were full of bandits.数代人以来,马霍卡山区一直匪患猖獗。Fold the table down, and generations of crud and mung appear.你把桌子的折板一翻下,陈年积垢便都露出来了。His specialty was finding evidence of previous generations in the subsoil of London.他从前的专业是在伦敦地下寻找先人留下的痕迹。The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power.那个家族好几代人都曾在政府任职,显然对随权力而来的各种额外实惠情有独钟。They have traced their roots back several generations.他们追溯到前几辈的祖先。The Goodriches have been farming sheep for six generations.古德里奇家六代都是养羊的。Alice Coachman's Olympic success opened the door for generations of African-American track athletes.艾丽斯·科奇曼在奥运会上的成就为一代代非洲裔美国田径运动员打开了机会之门。Compared to people living only a few generations ago, we have greater opportunities to have a good time.比起上几辈人,我们有更多机会享受生活。This painting has been in our family for generations.这幅画在我们家已传了好几代。This vase has been handed down in our family for several generations.这个花瓶已经在我们家族中传了几代人了。The message they are transmitting to their daughters is very different from that of previous generations他们向女儿传输的信息与上几代人截然不同。A credibility gap is almost inescapable between the generations.两代人之间的互不信任几乎是不可避免的。These skills were passed on to subsequent generations.这些技能被传给了后代。The disease gradually died out over the last two generations.这种疾病在上两代人那里逐渐消失了。The giant cross has become a familiar landmark to generations of San Franciscans.这个巨大的十字架已成为数代圣弗朗西斯科人熟悉的地标。It is our duty to preserve our culture for future generations.为子孙后代保护我们的文化是我们的职责。The steps are grooved by the passage of generations.楼梯梯级被几代人走过的脚步踩出凹痕。Almost from its beginnings, New York has produced succeeding generations of intellectuals.几乎是从其存在之日开始,纽约就孕育了一代又一代的知识分子。The family owned Locksley Hall for generations.这家人拥有洛克斯利府已有好几代了。The land here has been intensively cultivated for generations.这片土地经过了几代人的精耕细作。Greater cultural diversity has led to a more cosmopolitan attitude among the town's younger generations.更多的文化多样性使得镇上年轻一代的态度更为包容。The population may double in a couple of generations.几代以后人口可能增长一倍。The tradition has been passed down from father to son for generations.这一传统由父传子,世代相传。That family has lived in the same house for four generations.那个家族前后四代人一直住在同一所宅子里。Succeeding generations have added to the stock of stories and legends.后辈进一步丰富了这些传奇故事。Lessons of the past are bequeathed to future generations.历史上的教训会流传给后人。The men began to talk earnestly about protecting the Earth for future generations.男人们郑重其事地谈起了如何为后代子孙保护好地球。Some families have lived here for generations.有些人家祖祖辈辈都住在这里。Many of their traditions will not be passed on to succeeding generations.他们的很多传统不会传到后代。These skills were then handed down to subsequent generations of craftsmen.后来这些技术就传给了后代的工匠。The forest will be preserved for future generations.为了后代,必须对森林加以保护。Ideas and customs used to be passed on intact down the generations.以前,观念和习俗原封不动地代代相传。Future generations are going to think that we were a pretty boring lot.未来几代人会觉得我们无趣乏味得很。Fishing is the way their families have lived for generations.捕鱼是他们祖祖辈辈谋生的手段。




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