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词汇 garage
例句 He had the engine of his motorbike tuned at the garage.他请汽车修理厂调整了他的摩托车发动机。She padlocked the garage door.她用挂锁锁上了车库门。A man in tattered blue dungarees was busy in the garage.一个穿着破旧的蓝色工装裤的男人正在汽车修理站里忙着。Behind the gasoline pumps the unlit garage stood like a huge black shadow.汽油泵后面暗无灯光的车库像一个巨大的黑影。They knocked themselves out trying to build a garage.他们为修个车库搞得筋疲力尽。He reversed the car into the garage.他把汽车倒进车库。She reversed the car into the garage.她把汽车倒进车库。He reversed slowly out of the garage.他慢慢地从车库倒了出来。They picked up Oliver and carried him shoulder high into the garage.他们把奥利弗抬了起来,齐肩举着进入了车库。Our neighbours let us use their garage, but we really need one of our own.邻居让我们用他们的车库,但我们还是需要自己有一个。The car hit against the garage door.汽车撞上了车库的门。The garage has a pitched roof, not a flat one.车库是坡顶的,而不是平顶的。Their father helped them assemble their new bicycles in the garage.父亲在车库里帮他们组装新自行车。They built a new garage onto their house.他们给房子新建了一个车库。Tom was always taking things apart in the garage.汤姆总是在车库里拆东西。There was no garage in sight, so I hitched a lift into town.因为周围看不到加油站,所以我搭了个便车进了城。Each luxury home boasts an indoor pool and three-car garage.每一所豪华居室都拥有一个室内游泳池和一间可停放三辆汽车的车库。Next door to the garage is a small orchard area.紧挨着车库是一座小果园。We have a lot of crap in the garage.我们车库里有很多废品。You should get rid of all that junk in your garage.你应该把车库里的所有废旧杂物清理掉。The house has an attached garage.这栋房子有一个连屋车库。The garage said the car was so old it wasn't worth repairing.修车厂的人说这辆车太旧,不值得修了。They built the garage from a kit.他们用一套配件建成了那个车库。The garage is not in proportion to the house. 车库的大小与房子不成比例。You need a key to open the garage.打开车库要用钥匙。The basement and garage will be off-limits during the renovations.重新装修期间,地下室和车库将禁止入内。According to the insurance company's report, the garage door had been left unsecured.根据保险公司的报告,那扇车库门没有关好。The furniture in the garage is crapola.车库里的家具都是些废品。The house has a detached garage.这座房子有一间独立车库。You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.你不妨开你父亲的车——没道理让它闲置在车库里。They gave us a tow to the nearest garage.他们帮我们把车拖到最近的修车厂。I left the car just inside the garage.我把车停在车库里面紧靠门口处。He banged up the car backing out of the garage.他从车库往外倒车的时候把车撞坏了。The car's still at the garage.车还在修车厂。Keep your garage securely locked.把你的车库锁严。We told the building contractor that we wanted a garage big enough for two cars.我们告诉建筑承包商说我们要造的是一个能容下两辆车的车库。The whole process makes buying a car privately as painless as buying from a garage.整个过程使得从私人手中购买汽车与从汽车库购买一样方便。The car should be in the garage unless someone's moved it.如果没有人动它,车应该在车库里。The house has a detached garage.这房子有个独立的车库。She backed out of the garage.她把车倒着开出了车库。




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