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The present method is antediluvian.当前的方法已经过时。In this antediluvian house, showers were unheard of.这栋老旧的房子里淋浴设施闻所未闻。You said you wished to bring my story up to date. What's so antediluvian about it?你说你希望把我的这篇故事修改得合乎当前的时势,请问我的故事有什么严重过时的内容?He has antediluvian notions/ideas about the role of women in the workplace.他对职场女性的角色有着陈旧的观念/想法。My mother has some hopelessly antediluvian ideas about the role of women.我母亲对女性的角色持有一些老掉牙的观念。The creek's shallow waters were overcast with antediluvian ferns.古老的蕨类植物掩蔽了小溪的浅流。 |