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词汇 gallantry
例句 He was praised for his gallantry under gunfire.他因炮火下的英勇表现而受到表扬。For his gallantry he was awarded a Victoria Cross.他因为表现英勇而荣获维多利亚十字勋章。Many women were charmed by his old-fashioned gallantry.许多女性被他老派的绅士风度迷住了。He likes to display gallantry in front of his girlfriend.他喜欢在他女友前逞英雄。It's that time of year again, when thoughts turn to romance and gallantry.又到了一年的那个时候,人们开始想到浪漫和骑士风度。I so admire the gallantry with which she fought the disease.我非常敬佩她抗争病魔的勇气。He was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in combat.他因作战英勇而被授予了军功十字勋章。He was awarded several medals for gallantry in battle.他因作战英勇被授予多枚勋章。




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