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词汇 gagged
例句 She gagged at the sight of food.她一看到食物就想呕吐。Judges must not be gagged.法官的言论自由一定不能被压制。She was gagged and blindfolded.她口被塞,眼被蒙。The captive was bound and gagged. 那个俘虏被绑了起来,而且嘴也被堵住了。The opposition refused to be gagged.反对党不甘缄口。He was struck by a sudden terror which gagged his throat.他被突如其来的恐怖吓得喉部哽住透不过气来。The actor gagged it up too much.演员在表演中插科打诨太多了。Janir took a sip of the medicine and gagged at the vile taste.贾尼尔喝了一口药,那难吃的味道让他直反胃。I gagged at the stench of stale urine.尿臊味让我想吐。The media has obviously been gagged because nothing has been reported.显然媒体已被封了口,因为什么都没有报道。The hostages were bound and gagged. 人质都被绑了起来,并被塞住了嘴。Frank gagged on his seafood.弗兰克让海鲜噎得直想吐。The actor gagged up his part in the comedy.这个演员在所扮演的喜剧角色中插科打诨。He almost gagged on his first mouthful of food.他吃第一口便差点吐了出来。She was tied up and gagged and left in a locked room.她被绑起来并被用东西塞住了嘴,关在一间上锁的房间里。Thugs gagged her and tied her to a chair.暴徒用布塞住她的嘴,把她绑在一把椅子上。The hostages had been bound and gagged and left in a corner of the room.人质被捆起来塞住了嘴巴,扔在屋子的一角。He gagged on a hot dog.他吃热狗噎住了。The men left the security guards bound and gagged.这些人绑住保安,还堵上了他们的嘴。If somebody squeaked, he was quickly smothered and gagged.如果有人告密,马上就被扼杀,从此堵上嘴巴。He gagged on a piece of fish.他被一块鱼哽得喘不上气来。Politicians seem to be gagged by political correctness.政治家们的言论自由似乎被压制了,屈从于政治正确性。I gagged him with a towel.我用一条毛巾堵住他的嘴。I knelt by the toilet and gagged.我跪在马桶边呕吐。She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth.她用偷来的绷带迅速把他绑紧,并塞住了他的嘴。They gagged him with his own silk tie.他们用他自己的丝绸领带塞住了他的嘴。Joe gagged on his first cigarette, red-faced and choking.乔抽了第一口烟后就想吐,他满脸通红,呛个不已。She gagged on a piece of hard bread.她被一块硬面包噎住了。He gagged at the exorbitant price.面对贵得骇人的价格,他犹豫起来。




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