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词汇 furniture
例句 There were coloured candles which had spread pools of wax on the furniture.彩色蜡烛在家具上留下一摊摊蜡油。All the furniture was covered with dust.所有家具都落满了灰尘。We tried the furniture in different configurations to see which fit best.我们尝试了不同的家具布局,看看哪一种最适合。The house is crammed with furniture and works of art.房子里摆满了家具和艺术品。Why didn't you use your head and cover the furniture before you started painting?你为什么不动脑筋想想,在粉刷前把家具罩上?His agreement to buy our house was conditional on our leaving all the furniture in it.他同意买我们的房子,条件是要我们把所有的家具留下。The furniture was thickly coated with dust.家具上覆盖着厚厚一层灰尘。It is Lin's first essay into furniture.这是林第一次尝试做家具生意。You should use wax polish on wooden furniture.你应在木制家具上打上蜡。It's a nice piece of furniture, but in such terrible condition you won't get much money for it.这家具是不错,可是这样破,你卖不了多少钱的。He was busily engaged in painting the furniture.他忙于油漆家具。He works for a company that makes furniture.他为一家生产庭院家具的公司工作。Are you able to squash all your furniture into such a small house?你能把所有家具放进这间小房子吗?The furniture has the appearance of being made by hand. 这件家具看上去像是手工制作的。We've just bought some new bedroom furniture.我们刚刚给卧室买了一些新家具。Their furniture is in a lockup storage facility.他们的家具放在一个上锁的寄存仓库里。They lived in a big house which they had crammed with beautiful furniture.他们住在一幢大房子里,屋里摆满了漂亮的家具。They sell furniture, toys, cards - all sorts of things.他们出售家具、玩具、贺卡等各种各样的东西。He left what little furniture he owned to his landlord in lieu of rent.他把自己仅有的那点家具留给了房东抵房租。She thought she would sell any inessential furniture.她考虑把非必要的家具卖掉。Carpentry and furniture making are usually classified as skilled trades.木工和家具制作通常被归为技术行业一类。She rearranged the furniture.她重新布置了家具。Our nouveau riche neighbors just bought some expensive but tacky furniture.我们的暴发户邻居刚买了些昂贵却很俗气的家具。She's buying furniture for her new digs in the city.她正在为她城里的新居购买家具。I saw an advert for some cheap furniture in our local paper.我在我们本地的报纸上看到一则便宜家具的广告。The room was strewn with broken furniture and rotting garbage.屋子里散落着破家具和正在腐烂的垃圾。Our furniture arrived safely by truck yesterday.我们的家具昨天用卡车安全送达了。Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.供货商在其产品范围中增加了计算机耗材、办公设备和家具。The furniture was distributed among her children.那些家具分给了她的孩子们。It was an ugly room with tasteless decorations and shabby furniture.这个房间很难看—装潢没有品味,家具也很破旧。The furniture was old and shabby.家具又旧又破。The furniture was covered in dust sheets.家具用防尘罩盖着。His house is full of period furniture.他的屋子里摆满了古色古香的家具。I helped him choose the furniture for his house.我帮他挑选他家里用的家具。I didn't expect the furniture to arrive in pieces.我没想到家具送来的时候是散件。They bought the furniture on hire purchase.他们的家具是分期付款买的。There's no demand for heavy immovable furniture any more.现在已不再有人需要沉重且无法移动的家具了。The storeroom was choked with furniture.储藏室塞满了家具。Our furniture survived the long journey more or less intact.我们的家具经过这次长途旅程,基本上没受到损坏。She turned all the furniture round.她把全部家具都调了位置。




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